We have been entertained by Bob Purcell, owner of Superior Threads. Bob taught volumes of information on how to work with our machines and different specialty threads.
If you ever have a chance to go to a presentation taught by Bob, I would highly recommend it. Not only are they informational, but Bob is extremely funny.
We've been meeting at the Hilton Hotel in St. George.
Heather Purcell went over all the wonderful products offered by Superior Threads and their many applications. Heather is the designer of the fabulous threads made by Superior that we see on the market today.
We've made projects and taken classes from national teachers like Cindy Needham.
Cindy uses Superior Threads on all her quilts.
Yesterday Cindy provided a "Thread Bar". We were able to bring in our machines and try all the special threads manufactured by Superior.
Last night all 60 participants brought a quilt to display for the show and tell. It's late tonight as I'm typing this post, so I'll only show my favorite one of the evening. All of the stitching on this was done with Superior Threads.

Today Annie Unrein taught a purse class made with a special new product that will be coming onto the market in the next few months.

This afternoon Heather did a trunk show of quilts she has made, and also special quilts that have been done for her by amazing artists.

If you ever have a chance to take this seminar I would highly recommend it. I have learned so much the last two days.

Today Annie Unrein taught a purse class made with a special new product that will be coming onto the market in the next few months.
This afternoon Heather did a trunk show of quilts she has made, and also special quilts that have been done for her by amazing artists.
If you ever have a chance to take this seminar I would highly recommend it. I have learned so much the last two days.
This afternoon we were invited to shop at Superior's Warehouse.
Tomorrow is the last day of the seminar. I'll share more when I can. Until then, be sure to check out Superiors Web site at www.superiorthreads.com
What a terrific opportunity and you got to play too!
What fun you had. Oh to be a mouse in someone's pocket...
What a great workshop to be able to attend...I would love to attend something like that someday!
I have seen Bob Purcell on The Quilt Show and he is so knowlegeable! You must have had such fun!
Now that's the kind of seminar where you feel like you have gotten your money's worth when it is over. I will definitely look for one near me! What fun!
WOW!!! Sounds like I need to go to one of their seminars. Do you know how to contact them...maybe they'd come to our quilt guild;)
It is hard to imagine so much talent all in one place. Beautiful works.. thanks for showing us! I'll check out the website.
I would love to be right there with you. Are you going to share a tip or two?:)
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