At least so I thought.
Then I saw Denyse Schmidt, and made a shift.
A while back I purchased Denyse's book, and even though I haven't made anything from it yet, her style called "Modern Interpretations" keeps calling to me.
Some of her quilts are on my "to do" list, but for right now I'm a wanna-be.I just ordered Cog + Wheel.

Single Girl reminds me of a different take on wedding ring.

And I love the simplicity of Swirly Rose. Not all of her quilts have white backgrounds. I just like these.

Right now on her web site, Denyse is offering a free pattern for Scottie Dog.
I have recently noticed a gathering of quilters called the Modern Quilt Guild. They have on-line branch's all over the U.S. If you like Modern quilts, you may want to check them out.
I agree with you. I have always been traditional to a little bit country, but more and more the clean lines of modern are speaking my language as well.
Wonderful post! Thanks for letting us in on Denyse Schmidt's great books and especailly that cute little scottie dog. I am headed over there right now to get the pattern. I need to make a couple of those little guys.
Hope your ready for your big retreat. Have a great time!!! I'll be thinknig of you and Judi and all of the fun you will be having. :)
Funny, I consider myself a traditional quilter too, but I am also attracted to the modern quilts that we are seeing a surge in. They really do have wonderful appeal.
Hi Nedra, I love the new modern art of quilting. With the new fabrics they all fit together. My daughter loves this new wave. Reminds me of the 60's time.
Have you left for your retreat?
Keep Stitchen'
I had forgotten all about Denyse Schmidt's books - I used to dream about her quilts! Thanks for the post - I'm off to her website now to see what else she's got!
I have the book too, had it for ages in case someone wanted a modern quilt, but that hasn't hapened yet.
I am so on the same page as you. I've always been pretty traditional, but modern stuff is appealing to me more and more. And I really think it all started with Denyse Schmidt's quilts. And Gee's Bend quilts. They just speak to me.
I love the designs from that book- and the little scottie dog is SO cute! I can think of a little girl who might love to cuddle up to one :)
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