(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

(From the Tokyo Quilt Festival)

I have been thinking lately about how amazing it is to surf the net and be able to find the most beautiful quilts to view while in the comforts of our homes.
Quilts that take our breath away, and inspire.
Thank you to all of you who share your talents with the world, and are kind enough to post pictures of your work.

Doesn't this quilt just make you happy?
Yes, it certainly does!! I love it and all it's scrappiness. There is just something about the color red, isn't there?
A log cabin I Spy. :D
Just wonderful! :) I agree it is wonderful to be able to surf the net and see the beautiful work others have done. Love all the reds in that quilt!
That is one fabulous quilt!!
I agree this quilt is beautiful. You find great things to share on the web Nedra, I thanks you for many tutorials and other gorgeous quilts you found and share - Have a great day. Nat
Well said! I totally agree and this is definitely a happy quilt!
Hello, Nedra! Yes, it does make for happiness - I guess one could browse for hours at the different fabrics!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh Gosh, That is too funny! That quilt made me "so happy" I also saved the picture!!!
Yes it does make me happy. I love the packed in punch it throws with fabric.
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