I am so proud of her. She purchased her own pattern and fabric, then constructed the quilt all on her own without asking any questions.
I am always happy to answer any questions, or to help in any way, but this was a signal to me that she is confident enough to go into a quilt shop and make her own decisions. Yeah Nicole!
I think she did a great job.
Yesterday she came over for a little help getting the binding sewn on. After all these years of quilting, I still find putting on binding a little challenging. There is always that stressful moment to see if I've managed to get all 4 corners to line up at a perfect angle. I've gotten better with time and practice, and Nicole will do the same.
The title of the quilt is "Sunshine Quilt" and it the design came from the book "Strip Happy" by Donna Kinsey.

Nicole did a great job and I think that is so cool that she came to you for help. Binding does get easier. After having bound upteen gazillion quilts--it is starting to become one of my favorite parts of quilting.
I'm impressed. Great job Nicole. Your quilt is beautiful. Love the design & fabrics.
Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations Nicole~ a beautiful quilt! How fun to share your love of quilting with a new quilter. :-)
Very nice, very nice indeed and I love the quilting swirls on that one!
wow, wee she is awesome, tell her I'm impressed!
Congrats ... beautiful work Nicole.
Nicole must be feeling so happy - I love her colour choice - please pass on my best wishes!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Love the design and the fabrics used in this quilt! Nice job!
Nicole has done a beautiful job of the quilt. It's a great one.
Beautiful job Nicole!
I have a young girl I've helped too. It is really satisfying to see them finish a project and love what they did.
Hi Nedra!
Trying to catch up on posts - you've got some beautiful quilts here - LOVE Nicole's quilt!!
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