Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crayon Challenge Quilts

The Nimble Thimbles have come up with a great idea for a Guild Challenge.
(And you know how I love to share great ideas with you :)

This just might be the thing you want to do in your guild, too!
Each member was asked:
"Make a project with the main color being the color of the crayon being drawn blindly from the bag"

There really are no rules, other than the project needs to be made with fabrics matching the crayon color we each randomly selected from a bag held over our heads.
*and we were asked not to trade crayon colors with anyone else.
We can make a quilt of any size, and it doesn't even have to be a quilt.
We can make a purse, a wall hanging, or even something small like place mats.
Our instructions were "Let your imaginations take over!"
There was quite a buzz going around the room when we each found out the color we would be working with.

I was so relieved that I selected "Tropical Turquoise" !
A color I love.
We were asked to color a tag with our crayon, and attach the tag to our final project.
We have until December for a finish, and our projects will be the backdrop for our holiday Christmas Party.
This sounds fun.
Do you have any suggestions for Tropical Turquoise?


•stephanie• said...

you lucked out, colorwise!
can't wait to see what you come up with.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Tropical turquoise reminds me of the waters off Hawaii and those blue tropical drinks they serve with an umbrella. Fun challenge...will look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Nat Palaskas said...

This is going to be fun challenge for you and the guild. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Enjoy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

no ideas except Turquoise would go with a south west theme Indian style.

Doniene said...

Wonderful color and a very fun challenge!! Tropical turquoise reminds me of water. Let's see...nothing comes to my mind, but I sure what you do will be lovely!

Lynette said...

My favorite color. :D

Needled Mom said...

I'm thinking tropical blue waters with white crashing waves onto black/brown lava rocks!!!! Love you color and the idea.

Kristi said...

Awesome idea!!! Love this for a guild project!

dream quilt create said...

What a great idea!!!

Unknown said...

Great idea, if you can't have red turquoise is the next best thing.