Monday, July 30, 2012

20 Great Grannies!

With a feeling of bitter/sweet, I've now finished 20 Great Granny Blocks.
Sweet because these have been so fun to make, and I've had a wonderful time sewing the last few weeks.
It felt therapeutic to sort through my scrap baskets and wonder how the blocks would look as I played with various fabric combinations.
Kind of like watching a jig saw puzzle come together.

Bitter when #20 was complete, knowing that I won't be making any more blocks :(
Although I guess I could make a second Great Granny if I wanted!... hmmm... that's an idea!
Wouldn't it be fun to experiment with a black background, similar to the traditional crocheted granny squares?

Love these BIG 12-inch blocks
Now it's time to start sewing the Grannies together with sashings.

If you would like to join the Great Granny Along, visit Lori Holt ( Bee In My Bonnet), and Jodi Nelson (Pleasant Home)


Nat Palaskas said...

They are gorgeous blocks Nedra. They are really YOU, but another set with black background would be sweet - hugs Nat

Andrea said...

I think these are the nicest ones I've seen - so lovely, colourful and scrappy. How about making a couple more to ease the pain of finishing them and turning them into matching cushions or pillows ? xx

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

are you using 2 1/2 inch squares for these?

Lynne (Lily's Quilts) said...

Oooh I love those blocks and you're right, a black background would be really fun too

Janet said...

Your blocks are lovely, I wish I could have spent some time playing with Grannies, they look like fun.

Unknown said...

Nedra... I love them! They are going to be beautiful in a quilt. I think, though, if you like them so much you should just make more!

Carol said...

Nedra they are just wonderful...go ahead...have some more fun...try a black background...ENJOY!

Nancy said...

They are lovely. I'm working on Grannies.... and have put them aside for a while; need to slowly work into back-to-school mode.

Can't wait to see them finished!

Dolores said...

Didn't take long for you to make 20 blocks. What's it gonna be? Wall hanging or lap throw?

Lynette said...

Going to be so gorgeous! I love these blocks.

Needled Mom said...

Those look wonderful. Aren't they fun to make? I am thinking about doing another one too as I finished my 20 and then did the sashings this weekend. I love it and it went up so quickly with the big blocks. I think the black would be really fun and would look fabulous.

Material Mary said...

Wonderful looking grannies if I might say so. I can't wait to start mine. I have been non-stop busy with various projects and that is now coming to a close thank heavens. Fabulous looking quilt top...

Glenna @ Hollyhock Quilts said...

These are WONDERFUL, Nedra! What a fun block. I've collected some antique pieces like that. Love them!

em's scrapbag said...

What beautiful blocks! I so want to make some of these.

Marie said...

What a beautiful choice of colours - LOVE it, no wonder you do too.

•stephanie• said...

those are fabulous.
and hey . . . why stop at twenty?
make another row or two or three.
how about a runner?

Sherri said...

Nedra...they are all beautiful...what a fun scrap quilt!

PS. Did my block arrive yet?

Gayle said...

Delightful says it all! Have you got your next project figured out yet? LOL!

Unknown said...

Love your grannies. The fabrics are wonderful.

Unknown said...

Love your grannies. The fabrics are wonderful.

Unknown said...

Love your grannies. The fabrics are wonderful.

busyascanbe said...

Love your blocks and they look so good together!

Jana said...

Very pretty blocks! Love your fabric choices!

dream quilt create said...

Wow, 20 gorgeous great grannies! You are amazing, I don't know how you are able to get so much done! What are you going to do with the finished quilt?