My girlfriend Judi comes into town quite often because her two oldest daughters attend college nearby. I love it when she comes because we play and play and have the most wonderful time together. Our only complaint is that the time goes too quickly and we haven't accomplished half the things we set out to do. We wish we could extend our time together, but busy lives and busy schedules always get in the way.
This morning started out on the run. Judi wanted to find a yoga class she could attend here in St. George. After checking the Internet and making a few phone calls, we were quickly out the door. Judi has a yoga body and has been a consistant student for years. I, on the other hand, feel pretty foolish trying to bend my grandma body in places it would rather not go. I tried to be a good sport and actually felt pretty good at the end of the hour.

Without having our morning showers, and still in our exercise clothes, we decided to hit a few quilt shops before heading home. Of course, one shop turned into two, and two turned into three. By late afternoon, I kept praying I wouldn't run into any of my quilter friends, or small children who could be easily shocked. Judi kept trying to reassure me that I shouldn't worry about such things. Hey, this is a small town! Word gets out!
Fortunately we found some terrific buys. I bought a small piece of this wonderful fabric below. I want to make the Cottage Quilt designed by Nanette of Freda's Hive and these sayings and pictures will look great in the windows.
We found this cute bag pattern at Main Street Cottage in Hurricane. It can easily be made in a few hours with some fat quarters. Judi and I are already planning a time when we can get together next and work on some of these together. In the mean time we are going to be looking for some cute buttons to make the bags complete.
Joann's had their quilt books on sale. I bought another one in the Pretty Little series. This one in on pincushions, one of my favorite thing to make and collect.
And my Dixie Diva block exchange quilt was already done and ready to be picked up. I can hardly believe how quickly the store has completed these. Two quilts that are now back and ready to be bound.
After shopping we ran home, got cleaned up, and headed to Cedar City to watch Judi's daughter play basketball this evening for SUU. Cait did awesome the first half of the game, making a majority of the teams points. But, the opposing team is ranked 23rd in the nation, and ended up pulling way ahead by the second half. Even if they don't win, I still love to go and support the team.

Hooray for Nedra! And hello to our Judi. (I'm in TWO quilt groups with Judi. She is such great fun and brings good food. Have you tried her bread?)
Its always fun to play with Judi. I love seeing what you two do. Thanks for the mention that is sweet of you. I talked to Lynette over the weekend that owns the new Main St. shop in Hurricaine. Such cute fabric for the cottages!
Hey, I know Judi, too. I'm in the same quilt group with her. Nedra, I think you need to plan a trip up here at the end of the month when we meet. I'd love to meet you someday. It sounds like you had a blast together.
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