W. Beran Wolfe wrote "If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator."
And I would add working on a quilt to the inner list!
80 blocks completed.
I always expect that when I start another scrap quilt my pile of fabrics will greatly diminish in size.
Not so.
Sometimes it feels like the Savior's Miracle where he fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes.
After all is satisfied (with the needed fabrics to make the quilt) I gather up my remaining baskets of fabrics and they appear full.
There must be something to be learned from all of this.
Hmmm...maybe I should go back to the Bible dictionary and look up Gluttony.
I don't think that "gluttony" would be same as "storing"'s all a matter of how you word things...wink, wink
annie (friend of Terri B)
(adventures in oz)
Oh I see some Bliss in there! Yum! I just used that line for one of my tote bags and I love the medallions in the pretty!
I think the first miracle was changing water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana, so what you're doing there with your quilting is very much the same...taking something very ordinary (odd pieces of fabric) and turning them into something extra special (a gorgeous quilt)!
Nice job!
Great post! I seem to be just like you.
I think those scraps just mulitply. And agree with Mary Grace, a scrap quilt is definately making something extrordinary out of something ordinary.
Thanks for the cutest ever comment in regards to my Dear Jane project.
My friends are doing Civil War prints which I ADORE and maybe even would prefer, but I already the fabrics in this fabric line and thought I'd use them up.
no matter how many scrap quilts I make I seem to keep needing more storage boxes to put them in!! scraps seem to multiply!
Oh I am excited to see your new scrap quilt. Is the pattern called picnic? It is on my list if it is.
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