You may have noticed that this last year most of my posts have been from Arizona.
Truth be told, Mr. Cactus has been working here in the Grand Canyon State.
Our home in Southern Utah has been up for sale, and because we have kept it staged with most of our furnishings, I didn't feel comfortable announcing we were not living there.
We made trips back once a month to check on the house, so it felt a little like living in two states.

I can now comfortably announce we are Arizonians.
Because of the sluggish real estate market, we have still not sold our house in Utah, and have decided to rent it out for now.
This last weekend we went home, packed everything up, and placed most of our belongings in a storage unit.
We'll continue to live in our apartment here in Arizona until the house sells.
You know, this is the first we have lived in an apartment since Mr. Cactus was in graduate school many moons ago, and I have to say we are very content.
We are empty nesters, and just don't need as much room as when our large family was growing up.
I have the comforts of my sewing machine and fabrics, and am thrilled to be able to clean the entire apartment in less than an hour.
Life is good.

I will really missed my Utah quilting friends, especially the Dixie Divas and being able to look out my kitchen window to the red rocks and blue skies of St. George.

I will miss pool parties with family and friends, and all of the wonderful relationships we created in Southern Utah.
But life is often about change, and I believe in joyfully embracing all the new possibilities that await each and every day.
I can now report to you the fabulous quilt happenings here in the Phoenix area.
The biggest blessing this last year has been living within a few miles of our two oldest daughters.

We have been able to attend the everyday events of our most precious grandchildren.

Need I say more?