Her gift made me feel very loved and brightened my day :)
The presentation was so beautifully displayed that I wanted to share photos with you, in case you are looking for a simple gift idea.
First Lauri found a beautiful dessert sized plate, added a paper doily, topped with a cinnamon roll.
*any kind of treat may be added to the plate
For the base she added an upside down ice cream glass that can often found in Dollar Stores.
Lauri glued the plate and glass together with a high strength, waterproof glue.

There are several products on the market, but I think Laurie said she used Gorilla Glue, which will bond ceramics and glass.
The cinnamon roll is from the Lion House Pantry, which is located at the Deseret Book where I work in Chandler, Arizona.
*DB has 40 locations through out Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, California, Oregon, New Mexico and Nevada
Imagine being around the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked rolls, pies, and cookies wafting across the store continually through out the day.
Customers walk in, load their arms with product, look me seriously in the eye and state "I know this is a church book store, but that smell should be a sin."
Big Smile:"This smells just like my grandmother's house!"
What can I say?
It brings people into the store, makes them feel at home, and adds a very pleasant atmosphere to sell books :)
I admit, I too frequent The Pantry often.
(Let's just say the cinnamon roll didn't stay on the plate for very long)
-Thank you again Lauri for your kindness and for the little extra things you do each day for others!
oh my - what a downfall working at a bookstore that has a bakery! I would be sampling the wonderful treasures every single day I worked!! how can you stand it :)
A lovely plate idea. Sounds like maybe you have a coffee shop type of book store set up like Barnes and Noble
Oh yum! It is presented so beautifully too. I'll have to see if there are any near us.
I saw a similar idea in Wisconsin years ago. The lady was selling them at her garage sale! She used dessert plates and glass candlesticks - same idea. So cute! Have you tried E6000 glue? Needs time to set - but you talk about permanent!! Glues buttons on fabric where it would be almost impossible to sew on a button - like magic!!
I live not far from a DB and usually visit for the fabric upstairs at Mormon Handicraft. I have to agree, the smell of that bakery is sinful ;)
What a great friend!!! I love the idea of the upsidedown parfait glass on the plate!!
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