Have you noticed that you get much more done when you have a quilting friend by your side, keeping you on track?
There were 9 blocks this month, which is a very appropriate number for September, which is the 9th month.
(3) 6" Shoo Fly Stars
(3) 6" Road Star blocks
(3) 6" Double-X Stars

People e-mail me frequently asking if they can still join us in making Star Crazy.
The answer is YES!
The only requirement is that you are a member of The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims. This is necessary because Star Crazy is their Block of the Month, and membership is needed to download the patterns each month.
If you are not currently a member, it's easy to join. Go to
Your blocks are beautiful and this quilt when it is done will be a stunner. Way to go!!
What a great group. Stars are so beautiful. I know what you mean about a friend keeping you going.
Your blocks are gorgeous, I can see you finishing it by the end of the year - Good job - Hugs Nat
The blocks look wonderful and well done when you didn't have the company which always makes them easier to get to.
Star Crazy is a really nice design. I am not a member of the Quilt Channel this year but have been in the past. I enjoyed it.
I absolutely LOVE this quilt - but with over 80 UFOs - I just can't start another project until I finish a few - or give them away!
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