This trail is located up by the small airport, along Black Ridge.
In 1871 the Mormon Pioneers began construction of the St.George Temple. The site selected by Brigham Young was swamp land. Their challenge was to build a sturdy foundation for a large temple on this wet land.
A river still runs underneath the temple.
The solution came in using volcanic rock that was able to remain stable in alkali soil.
The workmen first gathered small rocks that could be crushed. They drained the swamp, and dug a 20 foot hole for the foundation. Crushed rock was pounded into the ground as the bottom layer.
Next larger pieces of stone were quarried. These slabs were the size of a coffin: 4 feet wide, a foot thick and 7-12 feet long. Because of the size, they were too heavy to load into a wagon. They were chained underneath, and rode just inches from the ground.
For three years from 1871-1874 the Quarry Trail was in use.
Mr. Cactus.
We love to hike the many trials of Southern Utah and enjoy discovering areas we haven't seen before. Hiking this trail tonight helped us understand the history of St. George a little more.
Lichen grows in the crevices.
A view of Green Valley to the West.
Black Ridge Mountain.

The St. George Temple is the first operating Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was started in 1871 and completed in 1877. The foundation has withstood the test of time.
What an interesting hike that must have been. I loved all the info. Joe and I take tons of hikes like that!
Our family loves to hike. The neat thing about it is you never know what you will find. You certainly have some beautiful views.
Hi Nedra,
Don't know if 'Mr. Cactus' mentioned that we saw him at the home show awhile back. We had a nice chat and when I asked how you were doing he told me to check out your blog. I did! Sounds like you are loving southern Utah and are even more involved in the quilting world. You are such a creative, artistic lady! I love your quilting. I really enjoy quilting too, but my interest in photography has kind of taken top priority, as far as hobbies go. Anyway, just thought I'd stop by to say Hi. When you have a minute, come visit me at,
Karen Larsen
I love the rich history of St. George. It is a beautiful city!!
I didn't know of any of this's fascinating!
What a fun story. THanks for sharing that.
Wow--one of the reasons I think it would be great to live in Utah is all of the rich history. Thank you for sharing! Happy Hiking with your Honey!
The St. George Temple is so pretty. What an inspiring trail and view.
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