This is one of the cactus' in my front yard. Mr. Cactus put Christmas lights on it to make it more festive for the holidays. It's an Argentine Saguaro, and stands about knee high.

This is what this cactus looks like in early spring. The flowers come out mainly at night, and like to close up during the daylight hours. Mr. Cactus said this plant got 64 flowers on it last time it bloomed. People drive by our house and sometimes take pictures.
Our backyard plants look about the same. A few days ago it was 62 degrees here, and I had a Christmas party for the young women of our church. We went hot- tubbing up on the hill, and one girl even jumped in the pool. Don't think we'll be doing that this week!

We are not prepared to handle snow in this area, so I figured it was a good idea to hunker down and stay close to home. I made a few more tea towels and hot pads for Christmas gifts.
The snow looks gorgeous against the red rocks! We didn't get any here, but they did get some along I-15, not too far from here. My husband saw quite a bit in Las Vegas on his way home from work as well. And the tea towels and hot pads are really cute!
Hubby and I were married March '02 and it snowed! The whole family was, like, hanging out the windows watching. We were up at Tuachan preping for a reception and it was SO pretty! Though it was totally lost on Hubby, seeing as how he's from Massachusetts!
The snow in the desert is beautiful. Southern CA got hit yesterday also. My folks live near Palm Springs and my sister got stuck on the highway for 5+ hours due to the snow.
wow.. that is STRANGE seeing the snow on the cactus! it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
That cactus is amazing. I'd never really known they bloom quite like that. It must be a more rare one. My sister lives in Toquerville, I've told you that I'm sure, and she has some cactus in her back yard but I guess I've never been there when they flower. I had to laugh at the YW diving in the pool! Funny. We've got 4+ inches this morning here. But it won't snow and leave like there! Your yard and home are lovely.
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