All the parts are cut out.

I've been working away chain piecing sections.

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite gadgets when I have a lot of chained pieced sections. This is called the "Wizz Ripper Gripper". Sold by R + L Quality Machining, Inc.
Cost: $14.95 plus $2 shipping
It's a seam ripper in a stand, that will fold down when not in use. It not only saves a lot of time when cutting apart chained pieced sections, it's also ergonomic and saves my hands from the tiring repetitive motion of snipping.

For those looking for Christmas ideas, this would make a great stocking stuffer.

I've got half the blocks done on the quilt. I just threw them up on my design wall. When I get the rest finished I will move them around for a better color balance.
I've received requests for the book the "Cracker" pattern came from. It's from "Quick and Easy Scrap Quilts" by Leisure Arts.
I made this sewing machine cover a few weeks ago, but couldn't show it because it was a Christmas present for Jan K., one of our Dixie Diva's. Jan loves purple, so hopefully this will go well in her sewing room. Tonight is our Christmas party so I can now post the picture.
well, nedra......that pinkish fabric just seems to blend in nicely did good!!!
I think the ugly pink actually looks great with those other bold colors. I had to enlarge to photo and look closely to find it!
That sewing machine cover turned out really nice. I wanted to try making some of those this year for gifts, but never got a round tuit. The seam ripper is a great gift idea!
Seeing the sewing machine cover reminds me I need to make one for my new sewing machine!
This is going to be a fun project. I love the seam ripper. I'm going to have to get it. Thanks!
What fun you had at your party. We just had our quilt guild party tonight and it was delightful. Nothing better than to get together with great people and do what we love doing...
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