I hand-dyed the wool and was pleased with how mottled the background turned out. For such a simple design, it gave the rug some character.

Before I learned to quilt, I used to cross stitch. It was a great hobby when my children were small. The projects were portable and easy to pick up and put down when a child needed my attention. (which seemed like every few seconds at the time).

More Santa's

It was also fun to do a red work embroidered Santa.

I've been hunting the stores in St. George to find this magazine, and today I finally located a copy of "Fons and Porter's Baby Quilts". We have a celebrity in our midst here in Utah! Nanette of "Freda's Hive" has made a wonderful baby quilt that is featured in this issue. Congratulations Nanette! We are so happy for the recognition you have received for your creative work!

There were a lot of cute baby quilts in this magazine, but of course I loved Nanette's the best.

There were a lot of cute baby quilts in this magazine, but of course I loved Nanette's the best.

I also did a lot of cross-stitch before I quilted...I still do some stitching...but of course I'm completely addicted to quilts!
Funny how so many of us did all kinds of stitchery and needlework in the "past" but have ended up as quilters!
I too have cross stitch, needlepoint, candlewicking,and who knows what all in my past! LOL
Beautiful work and it's so fun to get it out once more and enjoy our past accomplishments
Beautiful Christmas projects. Do you still cross stitch and rug make? I wouldn't want anyone to put their feet on your gorgeous rug.
Beautiful Christmas projects. Do you still cross stitch and rug make? I wouldn't want anyone to put their feet on your gorgeous rug.
Ooo! Of course we should have known you'd have a hooked rug!
Those stitcheries are awesome. This is something I never could actualy do.. finish a counted cross stitch. I would always end up mis-counting and the whole thing would be crooked. Yours are simply gorgeous.
Loved your needlework. My sister, Carolyn, also did the cross-stitch Santas and has a gallery of them. Love them. I also picked up that little baby quilt magazine yesterday. Great find!!
Your cross-stich santas are wonderful. Nanettes quilt is fabulous isn't it~!
I love your hooked-rug! Learning to do that is on my "someday" list. Love the hand-dyed wool! So pretty.
Thanks Nedra, you are a pal. You are very kind.
Love your Christmas decorations. Such good reminders of Christmas past!
I have done a lot of cross stitch too. I really enjoyed your blog.
In Ireland
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