Any gift I can make in 1/2 hour goes to the top of my list.
My thanks to Kathy Smith for showing me these step by steps.
The table runners work up beautiful in any holiday fabric. I made several as neighbor gifts at Christmas time.
Materials needed:
1/2 yard of backing/ border fabric (18 inches X *WOF)
1/3 yard front focus fabric (12 inches X *WOF)
2 tassels (optional)
(*width of fabric)
It's OK to leave selvages on. Don't worry if your WOF's don't match up.
First, along the long edge, match the two fabrics right sides together and sew 1/4" seams.
Next, match the other side of the long edges together and sew. This creates a tube, and you can see the backing fabric come to the front by a few inches.
Press seams.
Turn right sides out.
Lay the table runner out with the edge fabric matching EXACTLY even on both sides. This is a very important step. I use my tape measure to make sure each side is EXACTLY even.
Stitch in the ditch between the border fabric and the inner focus fabric.

Trim the short ends evenly on both sides. This is where you cut off any extra selvages or unmatched edges.

Fold the short ends in half, right sides together.
Match the inside seams with a pin. If you've measured your edge piece evenly, this area should match up well at the seam line and on the end.
*The tassels will be added later.
This brings your ends to a point as you move the seam to the middle of the runner. Press seam open.
This is the back of the runner. I use a chop stick to poke out a nice crisp point.
Notice how the seams match evenly at both the seam line and the end.
I actually stitch in the ditch from the front, but wanted to show you on the back how you only need to tack down a few inches.
These are optional, but I think they really add to the runner.
Place the tassel on the inside, laying the loops as close to the point as possible.
I like to use a small crochet hook to reach down and locate the loops, and pull them tightly up.
I like to use a small crochet hook to reach down and locate the loops, and pull them tightly up.
Hand stitch the seam closed, securely attaching the tassel loops.
Give the runner a good pressing.
You are done!
love it!
Really cute and easy too. My kind of project/gift. Thanks.
wow!! so beautiful!! ideal fabric too!!
It's handy to have V table runner around. It's a way to reminds our love ones that Valentine's day is coming! Thanks for the tutorial - Hugs Nat
Great runner, great tute! Don't they look fabulous with frames and candles and tassels on the end?! xo
I've made several of these runners, too. They make fabulous gifts! Thanks for the tutorial. You do a couple of things that my pattern didn't mention. Those steps will improve my next table runner. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!
I've never made a runner nor do I own one but I may just have to save your wonderful directions and have a go. I love the tassles and the baby photo.
Such a fun runner! I love it on your table with all those cute things!
Great tutorial. Thank you.
Nice "tailored" look. Very neat. I like the fabrics too.
Thanks for the "tute" - I just may whip up a few of these!
How fun! I think if I start now I could make a fun red, white and blue one for summer!
What a fun gift idea for my girls. Thanks Nedra.
Thanks for the pattern! I just picked up some Halloween fabric and the store clerk sent me to your blog:) Can't wait to try this!
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