Friday, October 15, 2010

Sew Scraps Along

My friend Jodi is hosting a Sew Scraps Along, and asked me if I would be interested in helping.

Yes, THAT Jodi, from Pleasant Home.

Jodi, the famous blogger, amazing photographer, master organizer, designer of awesome tutorials, lady who makes everything she touches cute, and just all around very nice person.

Jodi said she has many readers who are new to quilting, and emphasized that they would love to receive scraps as part of a GIVEAWAY.

Do I have any scraps I would be willing to share? You betcha!
I am just one friend of Jodi's who will be offering a GIVEAWAY, so make sure to run over to Pleasant Home to find more opportunities.

I crammed as many scraps as I could in this small postal box. It's now waiting to be mailed to that special someone, possibly YOU?
You do not have to be a new quilter to win. Everyone is eligible.

To win this box for the SEW SCRAPS ALONG GIVEAWAY
Follow these 2 simple rules:
1.) Leave a comment on this post between now and Wednesday, October 20th at midnight.

2.) Make sure I have a way to contact you! I am receiving a lot of these!! You might want to make sure your name does not send through as a "no-reply" If it does, simply write your e-mail address in the comment section.

*I will announce the winner on Thursday, October 21st


1 – 200 of 247   Newer›   Newest»
Lois Evensen said...

Hi Nedra,

What a lovely give away. And, I've left something for YOU on my blog today. ;)


Becky said...

I love scraps from other quilters. Definitely a gift only quilters would understand. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

Betty said...

Scraps... I love scraps and will use them for charity quilts it I would win. Thanks.

QuilterLaura said...

Oh my gosh, is it a bad thing if I am truly lusting after that box of lovliness? Maybe I DO have a problem afterall. My husband says so, lol. Thx for such a great givaway!

Margo said...

I'm just thinking how wonderful that would look in Canada! I'm just working on a new project that calls for scraps!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I love the piece on the top...looks like an old 3 sisters line! Thanks for the chance, we all love scraps!

autumnesf said...

What a great way to build up your scrap quilt projects!

Sparky said...

Ohh goodie, scraps...did jodi tell you nedra...I threw all mine out..didn't know I was to save them...but I have some for a give-a -way tomorrow.I just cut into my yardage lol.. Sew I want yours...
piece be with you..madame samm

Nat Palaskas said...

Look like a fun giveaway. Don't enter me because I have tones already. Good luck everyone - Hugs Nat

BubzRugz said...

Hi Nedra - as a quilter for only a couple of years I would love to build up a scrap stash - thanks for the chance for some of yours to come and live with me!

Brenda said...

I would love to win your scraps. I have little fabric so this would be a huge blessing. Thanks for the chance.

Shruti said...

I'd to win some of these... Thank you for the opportunity...

Kathleen Grace said...

Woo hoo! Great give-away, I'm always up for some scraps:>) Great to meet you, and I can't wait to see what goodies you have waiting for me on your lovely blog!

Karen said...

Such a wonderful giveaway! I'm trying to use up scraps from my MIL and Mom which are mostly poly-based; just starting a stash of quilter's cottons so I could definitely use these. Love the rose floral!

Renée said...

Good Morning Nedra!

How fun! Thanks for hosting such a fabulous giveaway. I need scraps for Jodi's projects, so I'm crossing my fingers. Actually, these look like gorgeous "BIG scraps" and I love'em. You're also right about everything Jodi touches turns to cute! Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for giveaways!
I would be more than happy to help you manicure your personal scrap stash!

My email is SnippetsAndYarns at gmail dot com.

~ Meagan

Lotta said...

Scraps are treasures! I love making scrap quilts, the challenge to only use left-overs.
I'd love to win,
Lotta in Sweden

Shaunab said...

I would love your scraps.

Linda T said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I'd love to play with scraps, but haven't been quilting enough to have that many scraps! Count me in!

Lee D said...

I think I like making scrap quilts better then planned quilts. It is more of a challenge sometime. Would love some of your scraps. Thanks

Cheri said...

Just love scraps. Can't wait to get into this new project. Thanks for your scrap sharing!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great giveaway! I would love to win! I have only made one quilt top and I've yet to finish it. I don't have a lot of fabric, so this would indeed help with my scrap along project. Thank you for the opportunity to win!


Ariane said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win some of your scraps. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jan Hatchett said...

More fabric! More fabric! More fabric! I love this giveaway!


Donna~~ said...

Would love to win those lovely scraps--they'd be a great "kick start" to a new scrap quilt! Thanks!

free indeed said...

I enjoy making quilts from scraps so much more than from just has so much more personality or something. Would love to win that box of scraps. Would give me some play time on my new GO!

Claudia said...

You know I don't have enough scraps at my house. I am "coveting" yours! Claudia

Libby said...

Pretty! I would love some scraps! I am trying to start scrap quilting and this looks like a good place to start!

dawson.tracy35 said...

Awesome giveaway! i love scraps! thank you!

tracy dawson

Dolores said...

Scraps make wonderful quilts. Always.

Junk It Folk said...

Scrap happens! Send the orphans to me and they'll be put to good use! Thanks!

Annette said...

So fun! I am a scrap happy quilter and have my fingers crossed for this awesome package.

Unknown said...

Whata fun giveaway. I just LOVE scraps!

Stitches and Thyme said...

I love your blog and scraps! Thanks for sharing!

Char said...

I'm a scrap quilter and I'd sure love to have it.

Linda (Sewfordough) said...

What a thoughtful giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

Oooh scraps! Horay! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love bloggyland, too. It has been amazing the connections that have been made.

I would love AND need to win your giveaway...I use to have LOTS of scraps...I was so proud of my stash, but then I packed up and moved to Amarillo TX and gave all my stash away because there was just no way I could take it with me.

As chance would have it, I moved back to the East Coast after 6 months in TX and now I am starting over with no stash. It will come one day, I am sure, but winning this would definitely get me on my way to a scrappy quilt or two.

Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway!!! Me LOVES some Jodi.

Anonymous said...

I would love some of your scraps. Thanks for the giveaway.


Tracy J said...

It would be fun to have FRESH scraps to mix in with the old scraps that I seem to not be able to use up. So excited for this scrap event, and thanks for the chance to win!

Melanie said...

I am a relatively new quilter and would love to win some scraps! I have some of my own, but not enough to really use...yet! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

Teresa Marie said...

Wonderful box of scraps! So nice to meet you. :)

Trisha said...

Oohh! Lovely scraps!

Valerie said...

I'm quite excited for the Scrap-along. *grin* And, lovely scraps, too!

Teresa said...

So excited about this! I spent 2 1/2 hours down in my sewing room cleaning yesterday! It looks great! I went through all of my fabric and I am ready for the scrap along!

Diane N said...

I'd love to win some of your scraps! Thanks for the opportunity.

Marcia W. said...

Thank you for this great giveaway. While I can "borrow" some poly-cotton blends from my mother's oldie scrap box, would enjoy having real quilt scraps of my own to use. Somehow a scrappy quilt isn't scrappy if it is cut from matchy purchased fabrics. Whether we donate to our church's charity lap quilt efforts or keep, these will find their way into a quilt if win. (My mother quilts too.)

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Wonderful giveaway! I love scraps. Thanks for the chance!!!

Robin C said...

I found you from Jodi's site. I love all fabric and can't resist a giveaway. Count me in, please!

Marci said...

Wonderful give away!I would love to make a quilt from them. Thanks for your generosity!

Caro said...

Would love a chance to win some of your scraps. It's always so interesting to see what fabrics interests a person.

Nicole said...

Those look beautiful. I will have to look through your site to see what you made with them! nlheiney gmail

CJ said...

I would love to win some of your scraps----I am a novice quilter and don't have a very big "scrap" collection! by the way---I love your blog!!! look at it everyday! It's great! Cynthia

Unknown said...

I <3 Scraps! I really like that flower print on the top of the stack!

kkk said...

You can never have too many scrapes... I would like a chance to win!!

Jenna Z said...

Wow, your scraps look like nice BIG pieces! Mine are always tiny slivers but somehow I find uses for them anyway!

Anonymous said...

Scraps, what a lovely way to start a fun quilt. Especially ones I have not seen before!!

Jocelyn said...

What a great idea! I'd love to be entered in your scraps giveaway :-)

Mary said...

What a fun giveaway! Other people's scraps are always so much fun. I like to imagaine what the original use for the fabric might have been.

mcregan said...

I love having other quilters' scraps...they make my quilts so much more fun to create! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah Craig said...

Hi, Nedra! Scraps are so much fun - especially someone else's scraps, that I've never seen before! It's like opening a treasure chest. Thanks for sharing!!

Anna @FreshDewDrops said...

A box packed full of surprise scraps would be so much fun to receive. I would consider it a blessing to receive such a gift. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

Dianne said...

Oh what a great giveaway! A box full of yummy fabrics! I'm joining in on the Sew Scraps Along project and I can't wait to see what sort of fun we get to have. Thanks so much for offering this great giveaway!

Karen said...

I am encouraging all the members of our guild to make Miagia's (Make it and give it away) - so we'd love some new scraps. Thanks!!

rjk said...

I would love to win your giveaway.

rjk said...

I would love to win your giveaway
This is my email

Carolyn said...

What a fun surprise to receive in the mail!

Remembrances said...

What a generous giveaway! I gather scraps wherever I can - I started a Sewing Circle at church and some of the girls cannot afford to purchase fabric but want to learn to sew. SEW I glean scraps and fabric for their use. I am so blessed to be able to teach them and work with them! Karin - khsds2 at yahoo dot com.

Jenny said...

how fun! i love scraps and remnants and new to me fabrics! thanks for a chance.

Quilt Doodles said...

Scrappy quilts are my favorite. I would love to have scraps. Thank you for this chance to win some.

Lori said...

I love finding new quilting blogs. Thanks for the scrap inspiration!

Marie said...

Hi Nedra - thank you for sharing. I just read your blog for the first time, and I will be back.


Mego said...

WOW...I LOVE scraps! What a wonderful giveaway!

Anna said...

Hi Nedra, it's so much fun to see the fabrics other quilters choose! I'd love to have the opportunity to make a scrap quilt from your goodies!

Unknown said...

YAY!!! I need scraps. There are so many fun projects and I have so few.... Thanks!

Tina Hansen said...

Thank you for the nice giveaway! I would enjoy playing with your scraps.

Brigitte said...

I would enjoy receiving your scraps.

Jen O said...

My stash of scraps could definitely use a few friends. :-)

Leah said...

How fun! I would love some scraps! :) Thanks for a great giveaway! :)

Peggy said...

What a great idea, I would love to win some of your scraps to add to mine.

Lynn said...

Exciting!! Think of all the possibilities with these scraps.

Susan said...

Hi Nedra, Jodi is great , isn't she? I am only fairly new to blogging; I have a mere 7 followers, but she is ONE of them! That kinda makes up for it, don't you think! Great giveaway! Thank you! I'm participating in the Sew Scraps Along too.

Karen said...

Hi Nedra, nice to meet you! I'd love to win some "fresh" scraps to add to my tired old ones which are SO boring!

Thanks for volunteering to do this giveaway!


Anonymous said...

scraps...would love to win...thanks for the fun giveaway

Andy said...

I see such cute scrap projects around the blog universe - I've been trying to build up my scrap stash for a year now - argh! Thanks for the giveaway!

Wendy said...

What lovely looking scraps! My first thought is to say I really don't need any more fabric, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it; so please count me in too. I would be honored to take your scraps off your hands.

Paula Lemos said...

What a great giveaway! I'm very new at quilting and would love to win your scraps. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

Renea said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I LOVE scraps!

beth said...

Thanks for your generous give away!

polly said...

I love to see what fabrics other people use. What a fun giveaway!
Thanks for the chance!

Carrie P. said...

I would to have some of your scraps. It is always fun to see what others use in their quilts. thanks! for a chance.

Terry said...

I would love to win your scraps! I have some but not a lot and I think I'm going to need more for this scrappy sew along! Thanks for the chance! :0)

CarlaSue said...

Oh, yay! I love scraps! And yours look lovely! Throw my name in the hat, I`d be forever grateful! Thanx!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog today. I am new to quilting and have yet to finish my first quilt. I would love to be entered in your give away as well. It looks like you have some lovely scraps....


Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog, but I'll be back soon! Thanks for the opportunity to win your scraps!
Gail (

Dana said...

I LOVE scraps and would love to win yours! It is so much fun to do scrappy projects and especially when you have "new" pieces to work with. This is going to be fun!

the girlfriend gap said...

Bless your sweet little scrappy heart! It would delight my heart to receive a box of yummy scraps.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

What a generous giveaway. Scraps would be a welcome addition to my meager fabric collection. I'd love to participate. Thanks for you generosity. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

muffinandme said...

Wow - who could resist such a lovely giveaway. Not me certainly!! There is something wonderful about scraps (the infinite possibilies perhaps) and especially about goody boxes of someone elses scraps so yes please - enter my name. Thank you for a good way to start what looks to be a very wet (and late winterish) weekend.

Sherrill said...

Ooo, Nedra, scraps are AWESOME! Thanks for sharing some of yours!!

BeachQuilter said...

I'd love a box of surprise scraps! Thanks for sharing.

pojeda said...

I love scraps! I love scrappy quilts! Thank you so much for this opportunity to win scraps!

JoAnn said...

Hi there - I'd love a chance to win some scraps! Thank-you.

Tallahassee Applique Society said...

I love scraps, too! Mine are not nearly that neat, tho . . . Looks like those would make a lovely scrappy quilt! julie

Pots and Pins said...

How generous of you - a quilter can always use more scraps, right? I think that you should be the one to have all the fun though, I'm going to head on over to Jody's blog and see if I can give away scraps, too! Of course, if I win yours I'll keep them!

Lynne said...

You can do so many things with scraps. Thanks for the chance to win.

Grace said...

Hi Nedra,

I love scraps and especially when I get a chance to win some. Thank you for your generosity in sharing.


LindaW said...

I don't have much of a stash so I would love to win your scraps. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kristen in OK said...

I just found your blog and am so excited! I would love to have a chance to win your scraps - its so fun to see what you can do with fabrics someone else picks out! Thank you!

cindyolson said...

How fun! Thanks for being so generous with your scraps.

cindyolson said...

How generous of you to give away your fun is that?

cindyolson said...

How fun! Thanks for your generosity.

Anonymous said...

How fun Nedra, thanks so much!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'd love to be entered into your give away for your scraps. Scraps are fun!

Meri said...

Thanks for being so generous! I LOVE scraps and especially seeing other people's...why is it even more fun that way?

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh My, who would not love some of your scraps! Thank you for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love to give your scraps a home - I need all the help I can get...if postage to australia is a problem I can pay..

christy said...

I'd love to win - and I'm so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!

cindyolson said...

What a fun giveaway...I am so happy I am trying to win your wonderful scraps. Thanks for your generosity.

Becky said...

Nedra - You are a Quilting Goddess!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Ági said...

Just love scraps. Can't wait to get into this new project. Thanks for your scrap sharing!


lindagerig said...

love scraps. hard to save them all.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win your scraps! Thanks for the chance.
gvkortus at skybeam dot com

Penny said...

I can see that we like the same color ways. Looks like French General to me. I'd like to work some of thes scraps into one of my bags.

A mom said...

Hi Nedra,

I would love to win your scraps.
Jo Anna

Ann T. said...

Hi Nedra,
What a nice way to connect!
Thanks for sharing my e-mail with Jodi. We seem to be kindred spirits.
Anyway, I found my material and finished the quilt top. Go to Dreamworthy quilts and you can view it. Another of our Pine Valley heritage quilts.

Susan said...

I'd love to win scraps! :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Janet said...

In my small sewing circle noone but me really likes scraps so it always amazes me to see how many other quilters out there in blogland love them (almost) as much as me.

Unknown said...

Oh, Nedra. How wonderful! I'm trying to build a small stash. This would be so appreciated!

Blogless me said...

These "scraps" are so lovely and absolutely perfect for the "klosjes/spools" blocks I've just started making.

Quilts and Cats said...

Sew many wonderful. I see a new wallhanging or a new table cloth for the dining room. Thanks for the chance to share your stash. Lynne

Jan said...

I love scraps. When you make something from scraps, each has a little story to tell, whether it's the memory of where it came from or who gave it to you. Lovely. And how nice of you to share your scraps.

Quilter Kathy said...

How fun! One person's scraps are another person's treasures :)

Dede said...

Love scraps, they make the best quilts!

Diana said...

Hi, Nedra! I found your blog via Stash Manicure. Really, the best fabrics are the scraps from fellow quilters. Thanks for a chance to win this lovely give-away!

Michele T said...

There has to be a bette word than scraps... I think treasures is more appropriate and I would love to win yours!! Thanks for the chance.

Dreamquilter Elke said...

this is a great blog and I love scraps. Every week I visit your blog.I hope the paket comes to germany to make a new scrapquilt.
Have fun with Patchwork and your friends.
Best wishes
Elke from Germany

Rose said...

Scraps are the body of every quilt I make. That can't happen without great friends and maybe you! Want to be my friend????

Ruth said...

I love scraps! Please add me to the drawing.

Rebecca huff said...

Scrap quilts are my favorite kind to make--- so much 'scope for the imagination!' as Anne Shirley would say! Thanks for offering! my email is: drhuff1 at hotmail dot com

Dorothy Thornton said...

I love scrap quilts. Thanks for the giveaway


barb said...

I would enjoy helping you clean up those scraps. Sign me up! b

Hollygrove Carole said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I love scrap quilts!

Anonymous said...

Yes I would like to win. You bet betya. I would like to see someone else's scraps besides my own. How cool is that. Please please pick me.

Sandi from Sonora.

Linda K said...

I've made a few scrap quilts, I have lots of scraps,I just bought Scrap Surprise book. I NEED more scraps. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance!!

Linda said...

Love srcap quilts and making them and would LOVE to win your scraps.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous give-away. Toss my name in for the box of scraps, please. Thanks much! Karen

Kelly O. said...

you described Jodi to a T!
thanks for the chance to win!

Melanie said...

I've always said one key thing about quilting is the memories tied up in the fabric... Oh, I'd love to win....

Sam said...

Love scraps!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I would love some scraps. It would be great to have a fresh mix of scraps to work with on the Scrap Along!

Linda said...

I LOVE scraps--especially new to me scraps! I pass on lots to others and so love to receive new. Thanks for having a giveaway! My word verification is straph--scraps with strength? graphing scraps? scraps with phD's? My combinations are endless!
Lurking Linda

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
missemilysmom said...

I love scraps!! How wonderful. What a great giveaway!

~Dawn~ said...

Scraps...what a great giveaway! Many Blessings, Dawn

Diah Rothman said...

If sounds so good on the 21st October you will announce my name as the winner as it is my birth date too. I am looking forward and wish hard on this as I did joined Jodi on her Sew Scraps Along too..... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE scraps and winning yours would make me sew happy!

Wendy said...

I'm a new sewist, I saw Jodi's Scrap Along on her blog and want to join in but I don't have any scraps!! I'd love a chance to win yours.

NancyB85374 said...

Oh, how fun! I would love to win some of your scraps. I am going to follow Jodi and see is I can't make some really scrappy items. thank you.

Kate said...

Hi! I'm excited about the scrap along, about finding some new blogs to enjoy, and about the chance to win your scraps! What a day! :-)

Anonymous said...

As a new quilter scraps are a fabulous giveaway!

~Niki~ said...

wow~you sure hAVE a lot of takers this time. i'm in!
i have a sewing giveaway also on my blog if you want to recipricate. niki

Cathy said...

What a generous offer! I'd love a chance to win your scraps. Thanks for the offer

Kristen said...

Such a fun thing to do! Thanks for sharing your scrappy goodness!

Jessica Christensen said...

I love your scraps. They are beautiful. Thanks for your generosity.

Karen said...

I'd like tin play in that bin of scraps. Looks like yummy contents.

Debb said...

Oh, my goodness... One person's scraps are another person's treasures... thank you so much

debbebennett at yahoo dot com

Miranda said...

Gorgeous scraps!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, crossing my fingers :)

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Lovely little box - just like receiving a box of chocolates - all quilters love chocolates! YUMM

MoeWest said...

I would love to win your scraps. I don't have a big stash of fabric.

Lovie said...

I love playing with other quilters scraps - always find fabric that I have never seen, or thought of getting. Have even been known to buy scraps, but I do use as well as collect them.

Princess and the Pea said...

I'd love to win some of you scraps, I only have enough to make a coaster so could with some help to make a scrappy quilt! X

Aimee said...

You can never have too many scraps. Please accept my entry. Thanks!


Sandy said...

Woohoo!Could I use these!Thank you for the generous giveaway.=)

Micki said...

Scraps from another quilter are always so much fun to get. What a lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh, i love to use scraps! Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy said...

I love scraps and I love making scrap quilts. One can never have too much fabric. Though, a new quilt shop opened in my mom's town and she did not mention it to me because she thinks I have too much fabric!! Imagine that, lol!!!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Why are other peples scraps so cool?

Wivi said...

Lovely scraps. I´d love to win them.

Needled Mom said...

How fun! Jodi is an amazing person, isn't she?

Paula in OH said...

Hi Nedrea,

I would love to win some scraps from you! ALways some variety to add to the stash.

Kelli said...

I love to see others scraps. I got a bunch of my great grandmother's scraps when she passed away and I love to use them and wonder what she made with that particular fabric. I'd love some of yours!

Patty said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. I can always use mpoohore scraps. I'm going to start a string quilt. I've seen lots of them lately and just love them.

KirsiHH said...

I just love scraps! Thanks for a great giveaway, your scraps look really beautiful!

Lynda Halliger Otvos (Lynda M O) said...

Entering this give away makes me feel like a member of a great group of fabric lovers !~! Thanks for hosting.

Teri said...

I love scraps from other quilters. It gives a quilt more of a story and more variety

Gill said...

I love scraps!!

Lee said...

Thanks for the lovely sharing of your scraps. I am a new quilter and really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

I am just starting to sew and would love some scrappy goodness!

Peach Rainbow said...

Thanks for the chance!
fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Joy said...

Fun giveaway. Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I love this giveaway! I tend to quilt only scrappy looking quilts! I definitely hate to limit myself to a few choices of fabrics in a quilt. The more the merrier!

Irina said...

Those scraps would help me to make the scrappy quilt I'm working on get bigger! Thanks for the chance!

Brandie said...

I would love yo win your scraps. They would be a nice addition to my scraps for my scrappy quilt.

Anonymous said...

Scraps, I would love them. You can never have too many scraps/

Barbara Ann Beamer Jones said...

Ohhhh, I love scraps! What a terrific idea and how generous of you to participate!

babsnwv at gmail dot com

Sheila said...

Thanks for the great give away of scraps , it would be so fun to win them and make something useful and pretty as well .Sheila

Sharon said...

Hello Nedra,

Having just attended the Pacific Intl Quilt Festival in Santa Clara, CA over the weekend, I have many, many ideas for "scraps"! One quilter's scraps is another quilter's treasure! Oh, I love surprises. Thanks.

Karen said...

I love getting scraps! Its fun to get pieces of fabrics that are different than mine.

Cindy said...

If I had your scraps maybe I could quilt like you...Awesome.

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