Blanche is one of our local quilt celebrities, who resides in Hurricane, Utah only 18 miles outside of St. George.
We are very impressed that Blanche still donates her time and energy to traveling and lecturing in behalf of the love of quilting. She will be 91 years old this year.
We are very impressed that Blanche still donates her time and energy to traveling and lecturing in behalf of the love of quilting. She will be 91 years old this year.
Thank you for honoring us so, Blanche.
Lynette is the owner of Main Street Quilt Cottage, a wonderful quilt store on your way into Zion National Park.
Main Street Quilt Cottage
72 N. Main
Hurricane, Utah (435) 635-4748
Blanche has been teaching quilt making since 1970. She began with Adult Education classes in Southern California. She was told at the time not to expect much in attendance. When her classes filled, she knew quilting had a future.
A sampler quilt was one of the first quilts taught as part of Blanche's classes. At the time she used a 5" binding.
Blanche loves traditional quilts, and developes innovative methods that make complex patterns easier and quicker.
Example of Seminole quilting.
Blanche has been part of the Houston Quilt Festival since it's inception in 1979, when they met in the basement of a church. She has seen so much progress in quilt making in the last 30 years.
Lynette said she felt her mother was the first innovator of the strip piecing method.
Along with her daughters, Blanche is the author of 10 quilt books. Lynette recalled feeling very brave in taking 2,000 copies of their book to Houston in 1979. They ended up with orders for 3,000 more before they left.
Blanche was the Featured Artist at Houston 2001.
In the days before rotary cutters, Blanche used heavy duty scissors to cut her fabrics. This pair would cut through 9 layers of fabric.
This was a tribute quilt to her dear friend who said the only rule in quilting should be to never sew in the nude.

Doreen was known as a great artist, but did you also know she was the creator of the "chicken pincushion"? How many of us have either made one, received one, or seen them at every quilt booth or trade show we have attended.
Lynette said she and her family began collecting antique quilts when they sold for much less than they do today.
This 1853 antique quilt was picked up for $350.
Blanche has always been very generous with her time and talents. She has donated 86 raffle quilts. She made Shimmering Star again for Lynette because it was one of her favorites.
Lynette and Blanch share the many changes they have seen in the quilting world over the years. They ended the lecture saying "It's been a fun ride", and
shared a short story.
In the beginning of her quilt career Blanche's husband (who ended up traveling with her and becoming her biggest supporter) said "Don't get too involved in this quilting thing. It's just a passing fancy."
I took a class with Blanche at our guild back in the 90s. She's a hoot. She look great still.
I stand in awe of you getting to rub shoulders with such a wonde
rful woman. What a great thing it is for us to learn from these more experienced, talented quilters like Blanche. You are a very lucky girl!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to a fantastic quilter. I also have Doreen Speckman's pincushion and have made it several times.
Blanche is one of my favorite quilters! She has such a wonderful personality.. I hope I can be just like her someday! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing this story . . . isn't it great to all be sharing in this great world-wide circle of stitching sisterhood!
Regards, Sue
i want to be just like blanche! how exciting to be able to learn from her. i love the "one rule" too...never thought about breaking that rule.
When I first started quilting I remeber buying her book "Nine Patch Wonders". It was great and still is, she is one amazing woman!
thanks Sharon.
I love trunk shows - thanks for sharing!!!
I have made several rooster pincushions - who hasn't??
Playing blog catch-up!! You have been quite busy lately. I love trunk shows...such inspiration!
Blanche's quilts are so amazing. Lynette is fun. I look forward to seeing Lynette at Bryce. She took a class from me last year.
That was a great program. And Thanks for bringing your quilts. I was excited to see in person, the texure magic on on the cute little dresses and I loved the baskets too.
She is obviously super talented, and you are so lucky to have met her.
So much fun info Blanche's husband's comment at the end! I've heard Blanche's daughter speak and seen some of Blanche's quilt, but have yet to meet her!
I love Blanche and had a lovely chat with her when Quilt Fest was in St George and she had an exibit at Hurst.
I have made two quilts from her Tradition with a Twist book and can attest they are simple yet so beautiful!
Doreen was not the creator of the chicken pin cushion, she made a copy from one bought at a quilt show. I had a friend from Denmark who shared these with many usa people freely. Because Doreen sells a pattern doesnt make her the creator.
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