We are staying at Ruby's Inn. Bonnie brings in around 250 quilters for this retreat that has been going on now for 16 or 17 years.

When I first arrived I had a "Nanette Sighting" (of Freda's Hive). I saw her in the General Store, and ran up to her like the faithful fan that I am. I am truly a "Nanette wanna be". I told her that my dream is to someday follow her around for about a month and make everything that she is making. Maybe if I sat right next to her I would get something done! She is taking one of my classes on Saturday, and I'm still thinking it should be the other way around.
Nanette is doing a trunk show for this retreat, so I knew she would have patterns and kits. I very nicely invited myself to her room to shop before the other ladies get to her. (I can be very bold when it comes to quilts!) Poor Mr. Hive had to put down the book he was reading to make way for all the patterns that were spread out over the hotel bed. I thanked him for his patience with us women, and he smiled and said "I'm used to it, I have 7 daughters". I purchased two of her quilt patterns and a kit to make one of her purses out of vintage fabrics. (OK, you can be jealous).
Tonight it was "Meet The Teachers" where we all showed the quilts that will be taught in our classes. Bonnie is also hosting some Humanitarian projects.
There is a vendor's mall and we are excited to start with our classes at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
Oh, Nedra - how exciting! I'm reading this from Australia - I have visited your wonderful country four times, have yet to see Bryce Canyon! Have lots of fun and please give Nanette a big hug from me, I'm a great fan of hers, too!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh, my spirit will be with you as my body gets to go to work. It sounds like so much fun to be at the retreat. Have fun!!
Oh man!! I wish I were there!!!!
Oh how fun! I was just at Rubys yesterday, darn it! I missed you all by one day........hmmmm, but I'm still just an hour away......Have a blast!
Hey Nedra - If you run in to Kaye Evans, please tell her that I made it to the Surface Design Exhibit in SLC last week, and I really enjoyed it! Have fun!
Thanks so much for sharing the retreat with the rest of us!! I hope to be able to go next year!
Loved all your pictures!!
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