I love to watch DVD's as I work on a project. I've never been much of a TV watcher, but I love a good movie. One of my favorite places to find great movies is the local library. I especially like this process because its free! I also like to listen to books on tape on my IPOD. I get books on tape from our library too. (Love that free part again.)

My latest find at the library has been old seasons of the TV show "Monk". I never watched it when it was on TV, but now that I can watch multiple episodes commercial free I've become a big fan.
For those who have never watched the show, Mr. Monk is a detective who helps solve crimes as an advisor to the San Francisco police department. He's also had OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and is hysterically funny. Mr. Cactus and I have been watching episodes together and laughing our guts out.
Why do I like Monk? For one, the actor Tony Shalhoub is brilliant in his performance. I also appreciate that the show is family oriented. It may revolve around a crime, but the writers keep the content clean. Another thing I appreciate about the show is that the main characters are all nice people. They care sincerely about each other and despite their personal flaws, are compassionate human beings. How refreshing when so much of TV today only shows the worst in people.
"Monk" is a show we watch as a family. It's a show my 17 year old son loves, and it gives us another topic we can talk about, and laugh about together.
Plus, I think I have a small part of Monk in me. I love things clean and organized. (Eliciting groans from the above mentioned teenager).
Mr. Cactus was out of town for a few days. I had a Monk Marathon and put together most of the inside on the Bridget Millar quilt. My favorite way to work on a quilt.
How about you?
I haven't been able to get into books on tape for some reason. I much prefer to read a book. I do love to listen to music when I quilt. Or I put on a loved movie (like Pride and Prejudice) that I have seen so many times that I don't mind listening to it, stopping to watch my favorite parts. Your quilt is striking!
My husband and I are watching The Unit on DVD. I like that there are no commercials and no cliff hangers. It's great! Maybe we'll try Monk next. I love your quilt!
"Monk" is my absolute fav too! I've even bought some of the old seasons. New ones are on Fridsy night on USA network. Perfect quilting show!
I've never even heard of Monk?!!! I want to try it now. Pretty much quiet when I sew so I can concentrate(I need that), or listen to my tunes on my shuffle.
this quilt is shaping up beautifully. we love "Monk" around our house too.
i love watching a good chick flick while sewing. and also listening to music- particularly Christmas music right now.
here's another tv show suggestion for you: USA has another fun show that comes on right after "Monk," is also a clean detective show and you could probalby get the older seasons on DVD. Its called "Psych."
I really should give Monk a go. I bet I could get it from the library. We just got the first season of Office Space from the library. We hadn't watched that on TV either. So funny!! Thanks for the Monk recommendation!
I have been hearing about Monk for a long time. We need to finally give it a whirl. I'm always looking for shows that my husband and I can watch together, because most of the time our tastes are so different. :)
Nedra - Barry & I love Monk too - we'll be watching and suddenly we'll both burst into laughter because of some subtle joke - it's great! And like you said - non-offensive......
OH - I usually just listen to music CD's when I'm quilting cuz I don't have a TV in my studio. Sometimes I'll get a book on tape.
Oh how fun Nedra. I like to watch old movies. So I DVR old movies on TMC, FMC, etc. I look for them on the guide and then I DVR them and watch them while I sew. It is so fun. Since I've discovered that I've been adding movies to the DVR like crazy. My kids think I'm nuts. But they do that anyway.
I put on music when I quilt.. usually classical. Right now it is Christmas!
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