My dilemma, and the dilemma expressed by quite a few members of the guild is what to do with this fabric. Pink is not my color, and the fat quarter is not something I would ever select. Hence the Challenge!
I've been stewing and stewing over this project. Because I don't like the focus fabric I didn't want to put too much time or money into the quilt. But because it's for the guild, I still want the quilt to be nice. I've finally made a decision and I'm ready to start cutting out my fabrics.

Another part of the challenge is that the quilt needs to be no greater than 50"X 50". That limits which patterns to chose. After pouring over my quilt books I finally decided on "Cracker". The pink will show but it won't take over the quilt. Plus I can use up part of my stash, one of my 2008 goals.

I've been reading a wonderful book! If you are looking for a great book to add to your Christmas list, I would highly recommend this one. It's called "Three Cups of Tea", the true story Greg Mortenson who is currently building schools for impoverished children in Pakistan. In 1993, Mr. Mortensen failed at an attempt to climb K2 in Pakistan, the second highest mountain in the world. He became separated from his group and guide, and in a disoriented state eventually stumbled upon a remote village. The native people cared for him and nursed him back to health. As an expression of gratitude he offered to come back to their village and build a school.
This story is truly inspiring as Mr. Mortenson overcomes one major obstacle after another in order to reach his goal. In a land that is hostile against America he is "Promoting Peace...One School at a Time."

I was just at Barnes and Noble and I keep wanting to pick up 3 Cups of Tea but wanted to hear a review first. Thanks! Perhaps that will go on my Christmas list. Like your pattern choice for your challenge quilt.
You're invited! To the LAST PUSH quilt-a-thon I am having . Come see what it's all about!
The more the merrier! Spread the word, and grab the button! Quilty hugs! Remember, Dec 13 is the special day! Niki in AZ
hi nedra.......your pattern you decided on is one of my works-in-progress....i posted about it on sept.22....i decided there was too much cream color...too i set it aside till i figure out some way to change it.
thanks for your lovely comments about my hand quilting!
Well that is pink! If it were a white dot on pink I'd have an easier time with it. Pink used to be one of my favorites - but no more. Maybe it will come around again.
I like that Cracker pattern. I think you'll be able to hide the pink fabric in that quilt ok. If you made a scrappy binding, you could squeeze that FQ in, and most of it would be folded under. :-D
Nedra - I made Cracker a few years ago and it turned out to be a favorite of mine cuz it was so scrappy! DD#1 has it now - it's been well used.
Great pattern you picked. I have a book by Leisure Arts with the cracker pattern in it. It is one of my most favorite quilt books and I have made several quilts in it and want to do several more. Good luck....
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