Months ago I asked my friend Lori Holt (Bee In My Bonnet) if she would come as a National Teacher for a retreat at Quilted Works here in St. George, Utah.
And being the kind person that she is, the response was "Yes"!
The retreat will start tomorrow and go through Saturday. We will be learning Lori's great method for hand applique and making this cute wall hanging
And to make the event even more exciting, Jodi Nelson (Pleasant Home) has flown in from Oregon to take Lori's class.
Even though distance separates us, we communicate often. This felt like the perfect opportunity to spend some quality girlfriend time.
Both Lori and Jodi arrived at my house on Tuesday for our own little "pre-retreat". We have been talking non-stop and have even gotten a little sewing done.
I would show you a picture of Lori, but SOMEBODY considered yesterday pajama day.
You just can't blame the girl.
The weather here in St. George is perfect, with sunny skies and the temperature around 75 degrees.
The blue, blue skies against the red rocks beacons us to relax.
When ever I attend a retreat with Lori, I always learn a lot.
She is the queen in being prepared, and accomplishes so much in a short period of time. She says she does all her thinking before leaving, and will arrive with stacks of boxes with projects ready to be sewn.
All the fabrics are pre-cut.
And you will find her sewing away on her little Featherweight.
I also love her vintage 1930's iron that weighs a ton. (They just don't make them like they used to!)
Lori brought Jodi and I the pattern and fabric to make these Snap Bags. Jodi finished hers.

Last night we sat in comfy chairs and started a new crochet project together. I'll show you more about that later.
Last night we sat in comfy chairs and started a new crochet project together. I'll show you more about that later.
Wish you were all here!
What fun! What fun! What fun!
I have the same reaction as Carol. That looks like sooo much fun! I love the wall hanging. The sewing machine looks like the one I learned on - my mother's. I wish I still had it!
Thank you for sharing, Nedra! I know you're all having FUN! There's nothing better than a PJ Day! :-)
Fun Fun! Enjoy yourselves and thanks for sharing.
Have a great time. I wish I could be there with you ladies.
ohhh how fun. I love the quilt Lori is hiding under! She is amazing isn't she. I learn so much from my friends. We are going out to lunch on the 1st if you would be here, you could go too! I love it when we are all together.
OHHh the photos are great..and I can hear the laughter and feel the warmth...thanks for including us..I would have loved to been there ...
ahhh who's cooking..
I am culinary artist for future reference..~!
I use a little featherweight for almost all of my piecing now. Love that iron! You all have fun ;)
Crochet project? Show and tell, please!
Love the Eat Cake piece...very cute!
Oh my gosh you really want me to drool don't you. Dang this day job! Am thinking of you sewing while I'm going to work! Have fun Claudia
Learn lots and lots from Lori for me!!
I sure do wish I was there. I worked for a few months at Material Girls and met Lori a few times. She is all she is cracked up to be. Some day soon I am going to go to a retreat and learn from her.
Well girlers... I am missing you all and sure wish I could have made it. Eat cake for me! Wait!
I think I can hear Lori saying...
or ...
I know Nedra is pampering you all because she is the "HOSTESS with the MOSTEST!"
Hugs and sew on! Love ya to pieces!
Lori is a girl of my own heart! To have everything ready to sew is the BEST! It's cut RIGHT because no one is talking in your ear! lol Have FUN at your retreat!
Sounds like so much fun. Enjoy your cake!
Pajama day?!?! Yippee!! Just to show you my complete solidarity, even though I'm not there with you in person, I'm going to be with you in spirit and today, I am going to declare it Pajama Day around here! I love Lori's Eat Cake...and now, I think I will! xo, Nan
I LOVE the quilt on the body of the person on the that YOU???? Very pretty and very fun-my two favorites...nest to very colorful
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