There is always so much more than quilting, when I get together with my quilting friends.
I learn so many things I never knew before. Have you discovered that to be true? We gather and are exposed to new experiences we might not have picked had we not met a certain person.

My friend Rae Ann loves to hunt the thrift stores, and always comes up with a "find". Last week at our luncheon she brought each of us a teacup and saucer she had found at Deseret Industries near her home in Utah.

Each teacup was selected to match our homes and personalities.
My tea cup and saucer were in oranges, golds and blacks to match my decor, and Southern Utah.

When Rae Ann got on the computer to research my particular teacup, the little set she picked up for a few dollars at the thrift store ended up being worth $95!
Wow. Not that I will ever sell this piece. Every time I look at it, I am reminded of the kindness of my friend, and the memories are worth much, much more.

When I was in Star Valley, Wyoming at Rae Ann's cabin she took me downtown one afternoon, and suggested we run in to the little thrift store that had newly opened.
I found these little milk glass pieces in a set for $5.
My mother used a lot of milk glass in her decorating and it reminded me of her.
Milk glass is an opaque or translucent milky white or colored glass that was most popular between the 1930's-1950. It was originally intended to look like porcelain, but was not as expensive. There have been a lot of reproduction pieces made into vases, lamps and kitchen wares.
I know my pieces are not worth very much, but it still was a fun find. Maybe if I hang out with Rae Ann long enough I can learn a few tricks of the trade.