It's called Geese In The Forest, and this interpretation was shown in a Japanese quilt show.

Do I have time to make lots and lots of Flying Geese? No I do not. I shouldn't even be thinking such thoughts right now!
But! Whip Up linked to Twiddletales where you can find a free tutorial. You can also down load the pattern for just a few dollars.
This quilt just calls to me and I could make it out of scraps.
Of. Course. I. Downloaded. The. Pattern. (How could I not?)
And then I paper pieced just one block to "see how it would go". Easy breezy. Lots of fun.
Now it's time to put it away and pretend not to think about it, while I stick to business and do the other quilts and projects at the top of my list.
Did I mention, Whip Up also showed this pattern Circle of Geese, that of course can be downloaded free when you go over to Piece By Number.
I'm Convinced....NOT! I love the circle of geese...really! So gorgeous!!!
Great patterns. I usually look at all the whip up tutorials, but I missed this one. I will have to do some printing...
I'm laughing at you. I bet they don't stay in the red folder for long!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that can't resist trying something new, even when I have plenty of other things I need/want to do. :)
LOVE all the covered buttons!!
Ooooo! How could one resist? And I love those little geese chasing each other around in a circle! Must visit tutorials.
Put away? Uh huh. I believe you. We all believe you. Sure. It's put away. :)
What an ambitious project the geese and trees one would be. But what satisfaction!
You know we'll all be watching to see when you start it!
Shhhh, don't tell Nedra I'm telling you this. I'll be your personal spy and make sure she doesn't start this quilt until other projects are done. In fact, I know for a fact that those little quilt voices in her head will convince her to start it within a month. I'll keep you posted....shhhhhhh.
I can hear those geese honking at you....
I think we will be seeing that quilt soon!! You did a great job, not one point missing! I am still trying to figure out how they made the second block! BTW my folder is pink!!!
I am so loving both of these patterns! Like I don't already have enough "one day" projects LOL!
OH YES....I have seen that quilt before sooo calls to me too...I'm not afraid of TONS of tiny pieces...well, sometimes!
I love your circle flying geese...I've never seen this before!
Well...I wasn't tempted by the first pattern...but I downloaded the pattern for the circle of geese...and I might have to try it out soon! Thanks...I think?!!!
I love Whip up. I will say without a doubt the most amazing quilts I've ever seen have come from Japan.
Oh, LOVE the circle of geese!
eeeeeek! I am going to have to make that circle one!! Thank you Nedra.
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