We were all in attendance tonight except Bev who has gone to her condo in Logan for the summer. We miss you Bev!
As a group we have decided to focus the next few meeting in making the pattern "Mumbo Gumbo". We've selected this pattern for our group choice because it's such a stash buster, and right now we are all interested in using what we have rather than buying more fabric.

Mumbo Gumbo by Pie In The Sky Quilts
Jan K. has already made 4 corners of the first block out of her scraps.
Seeing Jan's made me want to run home and start working on mine. I have a few things to finish first and then this project moves to the top of the list.
Pat Peters is finishing up her last month as our Guild President. She has started a new applique project. She already had a stack of blocks finished.
Melissa brought some vintage fabrics she got at a vendor's booth during our quilt show.
She wanted suggestions on how to use these. I thought she ought to make one of Nanette's purses.
Margaret has started a new quilt from Marti Michelle called "B + D with Four Patch Chain". Margaret is a wonderful teacher and often instructs classes using Marti's templates.
This is Margaret's focus fabric with the brown as the accent.
And a few of the completed blocks.
I thought the blue stripe really added to this quilt.
I have that pattern, Mumbo Gumbo too!! I haven't made it yet, but seeing this post reminded me that I should make it soon. I just love show and tell. I think you are right about the fabrics, Nanette's bag would be fabulous for this grouping.
Love the grey piece of vintage fabric. I've seen a Mumbo Gumbo quilt made up in person and it's just amazing.
The Mumbo Gumbo pattern is amazing. I've been sitting here staring at it and drooling!!!
I love the Mumbo Jumbo pattern too, and you all seemed to have such fun meeting together. How nice for you all!
I will have to try that pattern one day.
Everyone loves Mumbo Gumbo...guess I better get one!! Love the vintage fabrics...a Nanette bag would be awesome!
I love the Mumbo Gumbo pattern, will have to look for that one.
I love how your group decides on projects to do together every so often...I've really got to talk to some of the ladies here about doing that!
Jan's quilt is amazing. I want the name of that vintage fabric vendor. I nearly fell out of my chair looking at that fabric! Holy Cow. I would move to St. George if I could have a summer condo in Logan. I love Logan. Sounds like the best of both worlds. I would definately be a dixie diva!! I had to laugh so hard about your comment on my big teacup and the hot chocolate. Can you imagine that full of a drink!? haha
Nedra...I enjoyed hearing about your meeting! How fun to share ideas and projects! So much beautiful work to inspire each other! Have fun!
Love the scrap pattern. It is going to be a great quilt.
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