Yesterday was my first official day at Quilt Festival here in Houston. This is my first time I have been to this show and like everyone says its "HUGE". We spent most of the day setting up our booths. In the evening the event was open to VIP's for PreView Night.
This is just a little birds-eye view from the top window looking down on the convention hall.
I think this is the largest show under one roof in the U.S.
I'm actually here as a worker bee, working for the Quilt Show Shoppe.

The Quilt Show Shoppe is the online store for Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims who host "The Quilt Show".

It's been a learning experience to see what it is like behind the scenes to get ready for a show this large.
So much work and planning go into the preparation before the pallets arrive.

People know in advance they have a certain number of feet to work with-in. Once there, it takes a lot of figuring and moving around of tables and displays to get the right flow.

The current 2009 Block of the Month also designed by Sue Garman.

The area where Alex stands to meet her fans.
I'm off to work for our first full day!
I'll share with you as much as I can while I'm here.
How exciting that you get to be there in the thick of fun things!!! I loved all of the pictures you took and the new projects for TM are wonderful. I'm looking forward to the next update. Have fun!!!
Nedra - I have been following Houston on TQS and love seeing the Texture Magic samples. Also LOVE the block of the month for TQS - now if I could just catch up for 2009 (I'm only up to February) Thanks so much. Enjoy - Mary - Texture Magic Rep in MA
Thanks for sahring the photos, I love all the TM projects and seeing what the stands look like.
WOW, WOW and WOW. Looks like a lot of work mingled with fun. Enjoy yourself and get plenty of rest.
Looks so wonderful! A friend and I are getting together this weekend coming to share a little fun making the drawstring bags!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Hi Nedra,
Superior Threads booth looked great during Market and I got to meet Annie. I'll be there tomorrow and hope to get be your booth, for sure Sunday. Your pictures are great.
Don't work to hard.
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