Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bloggers BOM #7

For March the Bloggers Block of The Month blocks were designed by Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew.
No title was given, other than #7
The 7 months have really sped by.
I am now making two of every block.
The big reveal is always on the 25th of every month, but it took me an extra week to get to these.
I love pulling out my Kaffe fabrics to match up color combinations.
Remember, it's never too late to join Bloggers Block of The Month.
The blocks are easy to do, and it's fun to be part of the group.
For more information, contact our great leader Jackie of Canton Village Works


  1. Your blocks are sooo lovely - maybe one day I will make a start!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  2. Love your Kaffe blocks Nedra. I'm so far behind at the moment, but hope to catch up next week. xo

  3. Ooo and aaahhh! Amazing how color placement makes this block look so different.

  4. Very pretty. I like your fabric choices!

  5. I'm enjoying watching you make the blocks Nedra even if I don't have the time. I love them in your Kaffes.

  6. Great blocks - gotta love Kaffe!!!
