Friday, September 9, 2011

Thom Atkins Quilt Artist

When I first entered SueDee's (the wonderful Scotts Valley quilt store) the first thing I noticed were two walls lined with the work from quilt artist Thom Atkins.
Thom is known for his bead embellished quilts, and is a Santa Cruz, California native.

Beetles In The Chard

Even my brother, who has very little interest in quilting, walked right up to Beetles In The Chard and said "Oh, I really like this one."


Thom is a well known artist.

He recently taught classes at Road To California, and Empty Spools at Asilomar.

I love the textures and 3-D effects on his quilts.

If you would like to learn more about Thom (his classes and schedule), make sure to check his web site.

All of these quilts were for sale. I'm sure Sue and Danielle of SueDee's would be happy to answer any questions, also.

Smoke and Mirrors

After The Rains

This one looks like it would be at home in Utah or Arizona.

Especially this little guy who looks very similar to the lizards that often scurry up the exterior walls of our St. George home.


  1. Wow, is right! An amazing art quilter!

  2. How extraordinary! Thank you for introducing us to a new artist...

  3. Holy Moly! This takes quilting to a whole new level!

  4. Hi Nedra!

    I'm back to tell you that I left an award for you over on my blog. :)


  5. Oh am so glad that Lois pointed me in your direction. My Mother in law loves quilting and she kinda passed it on to me. not that i quilt but i love to look at them! i got.... hmmm.... 5 in our house right now!

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Wow, that’s some amazing talent; beautiful and almost too pretty for words !~!
