Thursday, September 8, 2011

SueDee's Quilt Store

One afternoon while I was visiting my brother, he wanted to drive over to the grocery store in the quaint mountain town of Scotts Valley , California (population around 11,000).

Right as we pulled into the parking lot of the market, my Quilt-Dar went up.
What is Quilt-Dar you may ask?
Think of a highly tuned radar that functions inside the brain of quilters, enabling them to sense any nearby quilt stores.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw the sign for SueDee's, Quilting, Knitting and More.
Needless to say, my brother headed into the market, and I made a beeline for SueDee's.

I thought I was aware of most of the quilt stores in the San Jose area.
How did I not know of SueDee's?
It turns out that owners Sue Spencer and Danielle Alexander opened this wonderful store less than a year ago.

What a great place!
Two large rooms full of quilt supplies, plus beautiful yarns for knitting and crocheting.

Sue and Danielle have a great business model where they display fabrics and products on commission.
Many of the items in the store represent products from other business owners and artisans.

222G Mt. Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Open 7 days a week from 10am-6pm

They offer a wide variety of classes.

When I saw their hand dyed yarns and crochet projects, I wanted to stay and play!

The embellished needlework of local fiber artist Suellen Peterson grace the walls.

Whimsical and bright.

Scotts Valley is just a few miles from the ocean, so I enjoyed Suellen's beach scenes.

If you have a chance to visit the Bay Area, I would highly recommend a trip to SueDees. Even though they are nestled in a little town up in the Santa Cruz mountains, they are a well run store with a lot going on.

I very much wish I could have stayed and taken every class.

Tomorrow I will show you the beautiful quilts on display from artist Thom Atkins

1 comment:

  1. Nedra - How did you get from Tucson to San Jose in one day?? Just can't keep up with you, girl!!! SueDee's looks like a great shop!! Where ya going next? :-) Kris
