Friday, March 5, 2010

Heirloom Baby Ensemble

Annie has just released a new pattern with Texture Magic. Heirloom Baby Ensemble took my breath away!

Texture Magic works beautifully with clothing. Annie combined Texture Magic with silk in this beautiful baby gown, bonnet and slippers.

The yoke looks like hours have been spent smocking. Instead, with Texture Magic the gathering takes place rather quickly.
Annie stitched TM to the back of the silk, steamed and then cut out the yoke. The beads were then hand sewn.

Texture Magic looks so sweet on the cuffs of the sleeve.

And a row of TM on the bottom of the dress

A bonnet is included in the Ensemble

How precious are these! Cute little slippers done in Texture Magic.

They even have Texture Magic on the bottom.
I LOVE this pattern.
The Heirloom Baby Ensemble can be ordered on Superior Threads web site.