Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Church Quilt Day/ November

Yesterday the little group from our church met together for a few hours of sewing.
We used to be part of one congregation. Recently they realigned our church boundaries and we were split 4 different directions. We have really missed seeing each other at church activities, and look forward to these quilt days to get caught up with each other's lives.

Karen brought a quilt she just finished for a grandchild. She goes to a dollar- type store and buys the jumbo coloring books. She uses the pages from the coloring book to trace patterns for embroidery. This grandchild loves dinosaurs.

Another grandchild loves the ocean. Pictures from another quilt Karen recently finished.

Melissa is working on Mumbo Gumbo, and is making hers all out of Kaffe fabrics. I can hardly wait to see the finished product, because I know it will be beautiful. You know how I love those Kaffes.
Melissa had a great organizational idea for keeping track of her strips of fabric. She places sections for each block on a coat hanger, and then pulls from one section at a time.

Patti is working away on her Book of Mormon blocks from the Block of the Month at Lazy Daisy Cottage. She still has the wording left to embroider.

Liahona block

Lehi's Dream block

Patti is also working on Christmas stockings for her recent grandchildren born into the family. Years ago she cross-stitched the cuff on stockings for each of her children. Then as the grandchildren came along, she made one for each. This year brought 3 new grandchildren and Patti is working hard to make sure that each child has their own stocking that matches their parents.

Doris always brings knitting to our group. We like to tease her because she brings the same sweater she has been working on for months and months. (Or is it years?)
Our teasing must have had an effect, because yesterday Doris showed up with a new sewing machine! Her 40 year old machine had bit the dust, and Doris was ready for a new one.
We expect to see all kinds of wonderful quilt projects coming forth now Doris!

Connie came and worked on aprons. The pattern is the Lilly Apron that I've made a few times myself. We were ooohing and ahhhing, until Connie informed us that this is Ann's project, and she was just finishing it up for her.
Now that is a true friend. We all wanted to know how we can get on Connie's list. Aren't we your friends too, Connie? Or do you just love Ann the best?

Ann informed us that Connie's phone number is lost, and so is her address.
(I have a feeling Ann wants to keep Connie all to herself)

Especially when Connie finished another one of Ann's aprons as we worked together.
Ann says she feels guilty having Connie work on her projects, but not guilty enough to ask her to stop!
These sew days bring a lot of laughter and teasing. Our friendships get us through the hard times and the good. We accomplish a lot more than a finished project.


  1. I think that is awesome that you guys get together! Everyone has such great projects going. That would be so so fun.

  2. It's wonderful to have a sewing day with great friends, and the projects you are making are fabulous. I can't wait to see that Kaffe one either!! Thanks for sharing all this lovely talent with us xo

  3. What a terrific day!! Lots of great projects, but I have to say, I can't wait to see that Mumbo Gumbo. I think it is going to be just yummy!!

  4. Sewing days are so fun. It looks like a lot of fun projects. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Where does one purchase the Book of Mormon quilt pattern? I cannot locate one. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for sharing your fun little group with us...all of the projects are so fun....LOVE the Book of Mormon quilt!!!!!
    (and the book!)

  7. What a great bunch of projects, love the stitcheries, they're so cute. I'm going to be watching out for the Kaffe one to see how different it will look.

  8. The quilts are wonderful. I love them all. Thanks for all the eye candy!

  9. That looks like a perfect day. The quilts are adorable. And what better way to spend some time with friends.
