Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cocktail Shakers Mini-Quilt Start

 Being part of the
Little Quilts Blog Tour
making new friends :)
Designers Sarah Fielke and Amy Lobsiger
asked each of us to make
one of the mini-quilts
for another member of the blog tour.
I would love to make them all,
but knew I had to select one special one
as a gift.
I chose 
Cocktail Shakers
 I already had a big selection of
Kaffe Fassett Shot Cottons
in my stash
which were perfect to work with
for this project.
 And the paper piecing was easy breezy.
Amy was the designer of this mini quilt
and gives great instructions in the book.
 Even the trimmings are pretty
 I see Cocktail Shakers starting to emerge,
although to me they also look like volcano's.
Check back tomorrow and I will reveal my finish.
I am hosting a 
Give Away  !
Little Quilts
Make sure to go over to yesterdays post
and leave a comment for a chance to win.
The drawing will be announced on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great name for the pattern. The colors are wonderful.
