Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Spinning Mills Quilt is a Winner!

 Last March the
Modern Quilt Guild
announced their 4th Annual Fabric Challenge
Over 700 entries
were submitted!
 I was so excited to see that 
one of our very own (!)
Michelle Hart
was selected as one of the 3 winners
with her design
Spinning Mills
Congratulations Michelle!
 Michelle serves as our current President
of the
Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild
(and does a wonderful job!)
Each participant was given
(6) Fat Eighths
Michael Miller's
Petal Pinwheels
and given to the challenge to design
"anything quilted"
The prize:
a Years Worth of Free fabric
from the newest collections
sent in a goody box each month
(can you imagine!)
 On my July 24th post
I wrote about the Show and Tell where we viewed our creations
 in our PHXMQG  group.
If you wold like to see more close ups of Michelle's quilt
you can view them 
 Picnic Petals
by Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill of Connecticut
was also a winner.
As was Colleen Molen
Moon At Night
My only request of Michelle is that she bring 
her winnings to our guild meetings
each month
so we can 
oooh and ahhh
and pet her fabrics.


  1. Each of the quilts are wonderful. What a great prize too!!! Wow.

  2. Beautiful! And, the prize! Wow, I would LOVE to have the same in yarn. Note to yarn manufacturers to copy this!

  3. All lovely quilt. You are in the right guild - Hugs Nat
