Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sew A Modern Home Quilt Book

 As I have mentioned in previous posts,
I have had an opportunity to get to know
Melissa Lunden 
this last year 
through working with her on a few quilt projects.
Melissa just published her first book
Quilts and More for Every Room
and asked me to participate in her Blog Tour
and Give Away
(which I was very happy to do)
Yesterday as I opened my mail
I received my very own copy
as a gift.
Thank You Melissa!
 There are so many fun projects in this book
I almost don't know which one I would like to make first.
But, probably my favorite,
which was chosen for the cover 
Dancing Chevrons
It looks fairly easy to construct
and could be made in any color pallet
to match a room.
Now on my To-Do list.

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