Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Those Mesa Ladies/ July

 One of my most favorite days of the month
is when I have a chance to sew with those 
Wonderful Mesa Ladies
We gather at the church and 
bring our own projects to work on.
The last few months
several of the ladies in the group 
have been making Lori Holt's
Quilty Fun
 Vicki also had a finish and was working on the binding
during our sew day.
Great job Vicki  !!
 I love this quilt in every shape and form.
 The back of Vicki's quilt
really shows off the very detailed machine quilting.
And look at this darling label  !
 Vicki machine embroidered her label information.
Is this not the cutest hat?
 Once I could manage to stop oohing and aaahing over all the Quilty Fun quilts,
I looked up to see what the other ladies were working on.
Steph had left over Half Square Triangles from another project.
Placing them in a pinwheel formation
another quilt is born!
Happy Scrappy blues that play so well together.
 I was so proud of Candace  !
This was her first time to paper piece :)
She was a little discouraged that it took her 1 1/2 hours to figure
out this first block,
but I reassured her that now that she knows the technique
the others will come together much faster.
 Towards the end of our meeting,
the very darling Christine Cook was able to join us  !
Such a talented lady  !
As a busy young mom with 3 boys 
(and another on the way)
we are grateful anytime she can join our group.
She brought 3 recently finished quilts
for Show and Tell.
We were all amazed that she completes so many quilts
in such a short period of time
and even asked if she ever sleeps :)
 Christine has such an eye for fabric and color.
Quilt #2
 Quilt # 3
Christine makes a lot of quilts from
Camille Roskelley's books
Auditioning bindings with the group.
Until next month...


  1. sounds like a very good group of quilters. Lovely quilts!

  2. I also love the Quilty fun quilts. That label is fabulous! Everyone's quilts are wonderful!

  3. What a fun group and such great quilts!! Tell Candace to keep up the good work - that star block is wonderful!!
