Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Bovines of the White Moo-o-o-o-tains Exhibit

Several years ago
Mary Lou Weidman designed a hit book
with a cow quilt pattern.
Since that time
Herds of Cows 
each unique in it's own way
have traveled across the U.S.
I really enjoy viewing these very creative exhibits
as I visit quilt shows.
Quilters of The White Mountains
in the Pinetop/ Lakeside area of Arizona
Challenged their Guilds
to a
Bovines of the White Moo-o-o-o-tains
Cow Parade
Below are a few pictures 
from the 19 participants.
 Cash Cow
Leanne Tawoda
 Chocolate Moousse
Kathleen L. Bowers
 I love all the fun "udders" on these quilts!
Maggie A Smeh
 Crazy Mootilda is Really Hexie
Pam Thomas
 Rhinestone Cowboy
Donna Deifenbaugh
 Someday I want to design my own cow.
Until then, I'm laughing my way through the 
play on words 
and wonderful humor of others.


  1. Oh, my gosh, these quilts are beyond darling!! What a cute theme for the show!! And the book this cow quilt came from is one of my all time favorite books!!

  2. She was recently at our guild and had a fun workshop. The cows are always such a kick. The imagination amazes me.

  3. I just love these cow quilts - so much fun. Something like this would be a great challenge project theme for our guild's next quilt show.

    Thanks for sharing and making me laugh this morning.

  4. These are so cute! I made little cow quilt once - Hugs Nat
