Saturday, June 7, 2014

Meet Up with Lori Holt

Quilt designer Lori Holt (Bee In My Bonnet)
 and I have been friends for many years.
While I've been in Utah for my sons wedding
I gave her a call and we met for lunch.
 Lori has a new fabric line
coming out
and it was pretty exciting to see the Strike Off's.
*I'll share more about that in a future post.
 When I used to live in Utah
Lori and our good friend Nanette (Freda's Hive)
would often meet up at our favorite restaurant
Food For Thought 
in Draper
I was so happy to be able to once again go to lunch 
at our spot
with these two very talented and wonderful ladies!
How I have missed them!
We caught up on all the latest with our families
and life
and it felt as if I had never moved away.
 Lori gave me a present
of her latest pattern release
Cut. Press. Sew. Quilt.
What a wonderful gift!
Thank you Lori!
 Complete with Lori's
Vintage Happy fabrics
In fact, starting this Monday
Lori is hosting a
Sew Along for
Cut. Press. Sew. Quilt.
Because of Lori's wonderful gift, I'm now ready!
Want to join along?
She gives great tutorials. and instructions.
More information can be found on Lori's blog
Bee In My Bonnet


  1. I used to read Nanette's blog but it got lost somewhere along the way off my feeder and I didn't realize it, now that you posted the link it is back on there. You have such talented friends glad you all got to meet for lunch - what a nice present!

  2. So fun to see you all together. Lori has a special place in my heart as Nanette does too. Those blogs of theirs filled a void at a time when I needed it most and led me on a path to my little sewing room.

  3. How fun, glad you were able to get together with your best friends :) Lori's quilt along will be great, they always are!

  4. Oh you three girls make me smile! I am so happy for you that you got to visit.

  5. It was really so much fun. Thanks for getting together with us. I love you and it was so incredibly good to see you.
