Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Iron Wars

 In reading Quilt Blogs 
for several years
a common theme and BIG frustration
has been to find a decent iron that will last.
As quilters we all are looking for
something affordable
that can be used every day
and will perform for a long period of time.
I have read review after review
as we try out this iron and that iron,
and have been as exasperated as the rest of you.
I once had a Rowenta that I loved and used for years.
It was replaced by another expensive new Rowenta
that began sputtering and dripping within a year.
...obviously they lowered their standards in design.
I finally resorted to buying inexpensive irons that 
were good for about a year and then tossed in the garbage.
Last week I found myself in the position of needing a new iron
but just as apprehensive about making a purchase.
In order to make a decision, I read what other quilters are saying recently
about their irons.
My friend Nanette (Freda's Hive)
wrote a similar post about her hunt for a decent iron
and how she had decided upon an affordable
Digital Advantage by Black and Decker
I read a few more reviews and decided
to give this model a try also.
I will keep you posted on how it works
or IF it works long term.
 One of the nice things about the 
Digital Advantage was the cost.
I didn't feel like I had to risk big bucks only be later disappointed.
At a retail cost of  $45
and using my 20% off coupon at Bed Bath and Beyond
I came home happy.
The iron is heavy in weight and feels solid to the touch.
With a week's worth of use,
it has provided excellent steam and glide.
So far so good!
Let's hope it lasts.
And to cheer up my sewing room
I even splurged with a new Ironing Board cover.
Happy Days are Here Again!
We quilters are easily pleased :)


  1. good luck on the iron - I too have gone through irons - now I stick with ones that cost $45 or less - no sense in wasting money - I just can't spend over $200 on an iron - just me but can't do it. Last time I got a new iron (from Wal-Mart) I decided to write in sharpy the date I bought it - I was curious as to how long it would work, going on 2 1/2 years now! wow and the only thing not working is it is suppose to turn itself back on if you press to a surface and then reset the temp - now I have to unplug it and plug it back in for it to turn back on not bad - I think this one only cost $30

  2. The saga of every quilter. I hate those drippy irons. I've done the expensive route and am now in the cheap route. The big bucks one don't last any longer than the cheap ones in my opinion. I hope you have better luck with the digital one than I did.

  3. I have outlived 8 irons in my sewing time. I am going to buy one on Amazon that is a solid sole iron. I figure I can spritz the pieces with a spray bottle and not have rust and crud on my pieces. The old solid sole iron my Mother had lasted 40 years. Plus the price was $25 and then you have shipping.

  4. Ahh yes, something we all go through. I use the orange Reliable, I love it, yes pricey but so worth it, so far!!

  5. Irons are so very disposable at my house. I love me a good Rowenta, but I buy the ones that are $39.99 at Lowes. I get 1-2 years, sometimes less depending on if someone accidentally drops it. Good luck with your iron.

  6. Hi Nedra! I, too, have gone through so many irons over the years, I've lost count! I've gone the cheaper route all the up to the very expensive. But here is a tidbit of info I found out accidentally a couple of years ago. If you buy a Rowenta iron from Bed Bath & Beyond, regardless of when you bought it or how much you paid, BB&B will replace it for free if you return it! Yes, you read that correctly. I have done this three times now with three Rowentas over a period of two years. They don't even ask questions, they don't bat an eye, they just tell me to go get another one off the shelf of equal value or the same model. The manager said the BB&B has some sort of arrangement with Rowenta and they return all the irons back to Rowenta to their R & D department, supposedly, so Rowenta will improve on their irons. Apparently someone in the R & D department is sleeping because I have yet to see them improve on anything over the last several years. But I figured if I'm spending an average of $100 on their irons and I can keep turning them in for a new one at no charge, you better believe I am going to take advantage of this policy, one which they do not advertise, by the way! Just thought you and your readers might find this useful!

  7. After going through three Rowentas in several years, I have had excellent results with a T-Fal iron. Inexpensive and reliable. Probably the thing I like the best is the non-stick sole plate which is made out of a different material than Teflon.

  8. I used to buy Rowenta, but their quality is not what it used to be and they are too expensive to only last a year. I bought the same one you did and have been using it for a year and a half. So far so good!

  9. This is the same iron I purchased several months ago. So far so good. I am hard on irons since I sew a seam or two on my quilt and then iron - all day long. Often the iron will automatically turn off, but it only takes a few minutes to come back to temp. Bought mine at BB&B also.

  10. Yeap, right there with you. Go through an iron about once a year. I spend under $45 and just get the ones with the highest wattage. Recently I bought a Shark because their
    vacuums had such positive reviews. I think I will mark it with a Sharpie just to see how long it lasts. Any positive feed back about iron experiences will be much appreciated.

  11. Please keep us posted, Nedra. I've "lucked out" with my $5 iron I bought at a garage sale. It was old enough to still have a cloth cord (which I took to a lamp shop and had rewired~for safety AND to get a longer cord for more mobility). Because it's older than dirt, it's very heavy...which I think helps when pressing. It's got a solid sole plate, so no steam. However, I've found that between using an extremely heat-reflective ironing board cover AND leaving seams under a weight until they cool, I've had a lot of success. The "weight" I use to flatten my seams? An old sad iron...picked it up at a whatnot shop. Hey, it's heavy and has a handle...works like a charm. Flattening your seams with a weight is an old tailor's trick, and it works REALLY well if you do miniature quilts.

  12. I have settled on this iron for my quilting. It's $30 plus shipping and it's a good old fashioned iron with no gizmos.


    It's very consistent and has greatly increased my accuracy and pressing. I use the home-made Vodka and Distilled water "starch alternative" (1 oz. Vodka, 8 0z. distilled water).
