Monday, March 10, 2014


 She may only be 4,
but look out world
Kayla has started playing soccer.
All that
and chutzpah
focused in one area.
 From the time she took her first steps,
she's always had a thing about shoes.
Who knew they made tiny soccer cleats in pink?
Of course she had to have them :)
 Learning skills
like balance
and focus
 With a great coach.
 The nets are placed close together
for this age group
while the sidelines are packed with supportive family members
from parents to siblings to grandparents
all cheering and clapping
no matter which team manages to be coordinated enough
to make a goal.
 Little Miss Fashion Statement
has no fear about pushing an opponent aside
in order to get the ball in the net.
First Game: 5 Goals!
 We are so enjoying our Saturday mornings
under this beautiful Arizona sunshine
watching the grandchildren play sports.
Noah is now 6 and we can see his skill level 
and coordination
increasing with each season.
 It really helps to have his dad,
(who was quite the soccer player in his day)
 as the team coach.
As I sit on these fields that are 
filled to capacity with hundreds of children
surrounded by cheering family members
I think of how lucky we all are to be part of this experience.
I observe loving parents and patient coaches shouting
Good job!
Nice try!
Keep at it!
This kind of community support is, after all
the best kind of 


  1. it is nice that you can go to the games and such nice weather to play in!! I have had to make due with photos all basketball season with my granddaughter.

  2. I love going to those little one's games. What a cutie she is with those pink shoes!

  3. Cute, cute, cute!! Love those pink cleats!!
