Monday, February 24, 2014

Tone It Down Quilts

Have you read about 
all of the wonderful quilts being made
as part of 
Lissa Alexander's (modalissa blogspot)
Tone It Down
Quilt Along ?
Lissa gathered 9 top Designers
each with the challenge
to make her version of 
Burgoyne Surround
using their own fabric variations.
I fell in love with Lissa's quilt
using Scrappy *Low Volume fabrics
for the background.
*small to medium light toned background prints
 I rarely buy quilt magazines anymore
but this one came home immediately.
American Patchwork and Quilting
Feb 2014 issue
contains all of the instructions for making
Tone It Down
and how to join the Quilt Along
Two of my fellow Bees Knees ladies
were part of the Designer line up.
My friend Sherri McConnell (A Quilting Life)
also made a fabulous Scrappy Low Volume version.
These colors make me want to run right out 
and buy more low volume backgrounds
to add to my stash.
And fellow Bees Knees member
made hers out of a more traditional
red and scrappy creams.
A completely different look.
But, one that really made me realize how
individual a quilt can be
simply through fabric selection 
was made by
Jane Davidson (Quilt Jane)
By placing contrasting fabrics in different positions
she created an entirely new look.
There are good reasons these ladies are top designers!
I am seeing entire 
Pinterest Boards 
and a flickr Group
being devoted to 
Tone It Down
as this quilt gains in popularity.
My only hard choice is which type should I make?


  1. I have seen these quilts popping up from blog to blog and they all look different!

  2. Wow. I just spent the last 5 minutes looking at how her quilt used the same pattern with just different value placement. Such a striking difference!

  3. I haven't bought quilt magazine for ages too. I feel that quilt magazines have no characters anymore. I think blogland is a place for individualities. I will have a peek at this copy next time I go into the shop - Hugs Nat

  4. I have seen many of these and have loved them.
