Thursday, January 24, 2013

Urban Abacus Quilt

 We had some pretty amazing 
Show and Tell
at the 
Phoenix Modern Quilt Guild
last Saturday.
is fairly new to the Phoenix area,
and brought
Helen is the sister to 
Contemporary Quilt Designer
Jenny Pedigo
of the Quick Curve Ruler 
 Such a cool ruler!
It has a cut out
that your rotary blade fits into.
*Both Jenny and Helen have wonderful tutorials 
on their web sites
that show how to use this ruler.
 I really love this pattern and the fabrics Helen chose.
 And the back of the quilt is fun too!
 Variation of Tic Tac Deco
another Sew Kind of Wonderful pattern 
using the Quick Curve Ruler.
Beautifully machine quilted.
It's nice to have Helen living in our area now and
to have her join the group.
I'm going to make sure to sit by her 
next month and get to know her a little better.