Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker

 Recently, Dutton Publishing
contacted me again
and asked if I would like to review the latest
Jennifer Chiaverini book.
I've always enjoyed her Elm Creek Quilt Series,
and my interest was piqued 
when I read this would be her first 
stand alone Historical novel.
follows the true life story of 
Elizabeth Keckley, former slave
who becomes Mrs. Lincoln's 
personal modiste
friend, and companion.
 Surrounded by all of the attention coming forth lately 
with the movie Lincoln,
Jennifer Chiaverini's writings prove good timing.
Jennifer's inspiration came from the 1868 memoir
written by Elizabeth Keckley 
Four Years In The White House.
After learning about the Civil War
for most of my life from a man's perspective,
I greatly enjoyed gathering a view
of what it was like for the women of the era, 
especially from the stand point of a former slave.
So much has been written on Mrs. Lincoln's personality.
Here we have the details from one
who was there during the most crucial years.
Mrs. Chiaverini wrote
"As a friend and confidante who observed Mary Lincoln closely in moments of triumph as well as tragedy, Elizabeth Keckley knew her as a real woman, full of flaws and virtues and surprises like any other.  It was this far more nuanced woman that Elizabeth Keckley depicted in the pages of her memoir, and since Elizabeth Keckley is my narrator, I shaped the character of Mary Lincoln according to her perceptions."
Oh, the insight and ability of a woman with a needle and thread!
A good read!
You can find 
Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker


  1. sounds like a great book I will see if the library has it.

  2. It sounds like a great book. I love history and historical novels.

  3. Oh thanks Nedra, I only read a few of her books, but this one sounds great through your review I will put it to my wish list for someone to get it for me - hugs Nat

  4. This sounds like a fabulous read! :0)

  5. Off to add it to my Kindle, thank you so much. I love historical works.

  6. I just requested this book from my local library and look forward to reading it! Thanks for the heads up!
