Sunday, December 16, 2012

Build Your Best Log Cabin

 I was recently contacted by
Fons and Porter
and asked if I would
like to review their
new e-book
 Build Your Best Log Cabin
*Barn Raising owned by Sara Miller
Log Cabin quilts have been popular
since the mid-1800's
Build Your Best Log Cabin
gives us a look at the evolution
of styles
and varieties
of a
very tradition block.
 *Woven Log Cabin by Shon McMain
The book features
"Three of the most popular Log Cabin block styles"
Courthouse Steps
 *Bears In Bertie's Log Cabin by Ricky Tims
Charts are provided for a variety
of strip widths and block sizes
Antique and new versions. 
*Zig Zag owned by Sara Miller
 In all the years I've been quilting,
I've always wanted to make a
Log Cabin
a relatively simple block.
This book has given me some great ideas.
And even better NEWS!
Fons and Porter is offering
Build Your Best Log Cabin
as a
FREE e-book at


  1. I downloaded it the other day but haven't gotten back to looking at it - too many things going on!

  2. How lovely! :) Free is always good, too. :)

  3. I love logcabin and made a few in my quilting life including the one on my wall all year - thanks for sharing as always - Hugs Nat
