Sunday, November 4, 2012

Time Out For Women

 As I've mentioned previously, I work for a wonderful bookstore Deseret Book.
The last few days I have been involved in the most amazing convention called
Originally started as one event right here in Phoenix just 10 years ago,
TOFW now reaches women all over the world.
TOFW was created as an Inspirational event for women, with presentations from respected authors and musical artists.
This years theme was
 Seek The Good
The Good You Can Do
All the Good You Can Create
The Good Life Waiting For You
Held at the Phoenix Convention Center, tickets were sold out within a few weeks.
Over 4,100 women sat side by side in one room, coming together to be recharged and uplifted.
This 2 day event has become a tradition for many families, often joining grandmothers, mothers, daughters and sisters.
Many stay at the nearby hotels, making the weekend a girl getaway.
Most come looking for encouragement to face the challenges and difficulties we all face in life.
 To the side of the convention stage, we set up our bookstore, including many of the books and CD's from the presenters.
 This was my first time to attend a TOFW and I didn't know what to expect.
Women began gathering at the doors hours before the scheduled opening.
Once the doors were opened, ladies began joyfully running towards the front stage in order to obtain the best seats.
That little pink spot you see in the middle of the picture is actually a very large stage.
Giant TV screens were set up through out the convention hall so all could see and hear clearly.
 We waited as booksellers, as the crowds descended.
Many save their $$ for this event, and we had long lines in between every break.
At the beginning we heard a taped message from Sherri Dew, President of Deseret Book
 Then on to the line up of presenters.
One of my favorite
played the piano and sang Friday night.
Michael introduced his well known Forgotten Carols right here in Phoenix for the first time many years ago.
 We also were treated to some really great performances on Saturday by
A contempory Christian musical group 
 There were many inspriational and well known speakers through out the two days.
Too many for me to showcase.
Probably the most moving for me was a powerful talk by
Chris Williams
who's wife, and 2 children were killed by a drunk driver.
Chris has written the book
A True story of Tragedy and Forgiveness
Through his faith, Chris was not only able to go into complete forgiveness towards the teenager who caused the accident, he also has been very instrumental in helping this young man and his family move forward and heal.
A book I would highly recommed reading
and can be found online at


  1. I went to tofw in Orlando, 2010, it was wonderful! Michael McLean is my favorite and Chris is my hero! I remember when that accident happened. We all wondered how the survivors would ever make it. He showed us all. I tell that story to a lot of people.

  2. I tried to watch the SLC event on a live feed, but my iPad wasn't cooperating for some reason. I heard it was reall good!

  3. i'm so glad you got to go. it is an amazing event. i was there at the original ten years ago. i laughed, i cried, i felt the spirit. michael mclean was there that year, also. it was pretty wonderful!

  4. Candise and I spent last weekend in SLC and went to Time Out For Women. It was excellent. Chris Williams did an excellent job. We also enjoyed Sara and Kate from Our Best Bites. The SLC TOFW is online till the 11th. Take a moment and listen to them--they had a great message.
    We had a great weekend!
