Monday, August 27, 2012

Steph's Group- August

The 4th Wednesday has become one of my favorite days each month.
We meet together with Steph's Group at a local church building for a fun day of quilting.
Everyone brings their machines or hand work, and one member of the group treats us to the most delicious lunch.
These ladies have known each other for years and years and even though I'm the newbie to the group, they always make me feel so welcome.
I was a little slow in getting my camera out, but I did manage to capture a few shots of Show and Tell.

Stephanie (on the right) worked on binding her latest finish.
Love this quilt!
Pattern: On A Whim by Thimble Blossoms

Fabric: Urban Cowgirl by Urban Chiks for Moda

So perfect for living in the wild, wild West.
Urban Cowgirl was inspired by vintage cowboy shirts and Granny's old aprons.

Beautifully quilted by Steph's friend Marae Harris

The backs of Steph's quilts are almost as nice as the fronts.
Steph likes to use up every extra block and scraps of fabric left over from the fabric line.

Peg is already getting ready for Christmas.
Pattern: Tree's Up! Lights On! by Pieces From My Heart
using the fun Stack and Slice method.

Thanks ladies for another fun day!


  1. it looks like it was a great show and tell day.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! I especially love the Thimble Blossoms quilt too!

  3. Wonderful quilts. I think the wonky tree ould be fun to display at Christmas.

  4. How pretty! I especially like that Christmas quilt. So nice!
