Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great Granny Fever

Have you caught the Great Granny Fever?
Almost at epidemic level.

We met with Steph's Group the other day.
Peg brought one block from her Great Granny, made especially for a new grandson.
She will be making hers a crib size, and I can hardly wait to see how the quilt will turn out with the darling blue gingham as the background fabric.
Did you know that Great Granny Fever is an
Take note:
Peg caught it just by viewing Steph's blog.

After being AWOL for the last two meetings, we were so happy to have Steph back with us.
How can we be Steph's Group without Steph?
(I think she missed us as much as we missed her)
Just who gave her permission to go on a family vacation to spend time with her children and beautiful grandchildren anyway?

Steph has Great Granny Fever too.
She worked on several blocks while we were together.

Like myself, Gina is a newbie to the group and recently moved to Arizona from out of state.
You may be familiar with her pattern line Threaded Pear.
Gina recently sold her quilt store Cranberry Quiltworks in Placentia, California, and with her family relocated to Gilbert.
She is such a great addition to the group, and I'm really enjoying getting to know her better.

In just a few hours Gina whipped up one of her original patterns called "Charming Baby Log Cabin".

Eventually the bottom of the quilt will be scalloped.
Gina is putting together kits and has patterns available on her web site HERE.

And Steph gave me these darling *Quilt Blocks charm squares.
*by Ellen Luckett Baker for Moda

Not exactly sure what I did to deserve the gift, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fabric line!
Oh, what shall I make with them?

Maybe more Great Grannies?


  1. Love the blue gingham she is using for this block. Thanks for sharing yours wonderful work - hugs Nat

  2. I like these blocks that you are doing - so simple, such a nice pattern it is calling to me but so far I am resisting starting something new - I doubt that will last for long!

  3. i seriously hope i NEVER have to miss our meeting again! love you ladies!

  4. Those Granny blocks are definitely contagious!!!

  5. Just the gentle push I need to get going again...I think I'll have to join the Granny Brigade..
    Thanks Nedra

  6. Yes, I caught the great granny fever, lol! It is spreading fast!!
