Saturday, July 28, 2012


In honor of the Summer Olympics being held in London, I've been brushing up on a little British lingo.
After all, if I plan on spending every available moment for the next 17 days glued to the Gogglebox, I'd really like to be Au fait.
I was Chuffed As Nuts (extremely pleased) with the Opening Ceremonies, and thought they were very Tickety-Boo (If something goes well).
What did you think?
Who would have guessed that added to the lengthy list of Titles for the Queen would be the words "Bond Girl".
From the news coverage, to in depth interviews with my favorite Olympic competitors, all things British are Rawther Lovely.
I have a hand applique project all prepped, and a comfy chair with good lighting at the ready.
This may be one of those times when a little bit of knowledge becomes a dangerous thing:
I'm normally a somewhat quiet spectator during sports competitions.
But for this event, you just may hear me shouting
"Put some welly into it!"

From The Musical Instrument Museum, Phoenix, Arizona


  1. Loved the Queen's entrance with
    007, the hymn, Abide With Me and Mr. Bean with the symphony and his race. Didn't care for McCartney and Hey Jude - it went on way too long.
    I shall be catching up on some of the events and wondering how my children are doing over there. They have tickets for a couple of events.

  2. I liked the Bond episode as well! very cute and thought it great of the queen to participate. I plan on watching some of the events, but not all. I didn't watch until the very end, but close, watched the first bit of Paul McCartney then went to bed.

  3. In the mission we would have to proof read different talks. One day I got to read with a sister from England with a wonderful accent. She read the sentence and then said "full stop". I looked at her and thought that isn't on the page. She kept on reading and finished another sentence and said "full stop". I stopped her and she said when they came to a period they were taught to say full stop not period like we are taught. Loved reading with her.

  4. Well I am British and have never heard anyone, ever say tickety boo - lol. I live quite near Liverpool ( home of The Beatles ) and one of the Liverpudlians sayings is '"made up " which is the same meaning as your chuffed as nuts ( which I have never heard of either ) I loved the ceremony until Paul Mc appearred then decided it was bedtime as it was nearly 1am. I love the Olympics and plan on watching as much as possible xx
