Remember when I wrote about the Wood Hollow fire that swept through the small town of Fairview, Utah? (see post 6/27/12)
Julie Anderson was gathering donations to provide quilts for the 52 families of her community who lost their homes in the fire.
The response was overwhelming.
More than Julie ever could imagine.
Within days Julie and her husband became acutely aware that not only could they provide comfort to their neighbors, but also to many families in the Western United States.
By expanding their vision, they have now created Phoenix Quilts, a non-profit organization with an even larger goal:
"Once we have enough quilts, my husband and I will travel to the affected areas so we can place a quilt in the arms of each family that has lost their home to these terrible wildfires in the Western United States."
It is heartwarming for me to see a family (whom I am sure has many other things going on in their life) turn a difficult situation into one of service and kindness.
Many of my friends homes have been threatened (but are fortunately still in tact) by the fires that continue to rage in Utah.
I, for one, want to link arms with Julie and her husband and help in any way that I can.
Make sure to run over HERE and read some very interesting information about the Phoenix, and why this bird was chosen as the logo to represent their efforts.
The latest statistics:
If you would like to contribute to Phoenix Quilts, Julie asks:
Would you be willing to donate fabric, batting, quilt blocks, a finished quilt top, a completed quilt, or make a monetary donation?
Contact Information:
Phoenix Quilts
c/o Julie Anderson
P.O. Box 453
150 W. 300 N.
Fairview, Utah 84629
Isn't it amazing what quilters can do? They come through every time. Thanks for sharing.