Friday, June 8, 2012

Pincushion Quilt

Susie Seckel, a member of my guild, has created a wonderful idea!
Wool+Quilts+Pincushions=Pincushion Quilt

Susie shared "Making this quilt was the only way I could showcase all my pincushion designs at once."

For the background Susie used a wool Army blanket.
"Using this single piece of wool fabric eliminated seams" Susie said.
Good thinking(!) and much more affordable than purchasing a large piece of wool.

The original pincushion designs are by Patty Harvey

Completed in 2012
Hand appliqued, hand embroidered, hand quilted.

Susie used #5 Pearl (Perle) cotton for all the embroidery stitches.

"Big Stitch" quilting: #8 Pearl cotton

Susie combined several mediums in her quilt.
Notice the use of embroidery stitches, buttons and other embellishments.
Oh, the possibilities!


  1. wow.
    what a labor of love!
    i'm itchy just thinking about it.
    {allergic to wool.}

  2. Nothing short of brilliant! I love it!

  3. Susie is a clever girl! And I love the use of the Army blanket! Brilliant.

  4. What a beautiful quilt, all of her pincushion designs are precious. With the front and back made of wool, it must be one heavy and warm quilt!

  5. Love those pincushion patterns. I'm not familiar with the designer. Is there a place to order patterns? I'm interested if they are available.
