Saturday, April 21, 2012


 I've been working a little more on my vintage embroidery.
 "Patches" will be added to the other blocks to be placed in a quilt for my grandchildren.
Which makes one wonder.
Does anyone "patch" their clothes anymore?
Or has this become a lost art?


  1. Oh, this brings back memories! My mother embroidered all the kitchen towels, pillowcases, table cloths, and many other items. She used many stencils similar to yours.

  2. What a little cutie! Reminds me of some blocks I bought on ebay!
    Yes, I still patch our work clothes - we live and work on a ranch - so patching is a necessity! In fact patched two pairs or jeans yesterday!


  3. Everyone who knows I darn my husband's socks think I am crazy. "Just buy new ones!" they tell me. But I would rather mend the holes before they get too big, than fork out A$22 for another pair of socks. (They are large socks for wearing under motorcycle boots, and therefore more expensive). And yes, I've been known to patch some of my clothes if they develop holes or tears, and I can't bear to throw them out!

  4. I used to decorate jeans with patches back in the 70's and 80's and that kind of raggedy jeans was style - then the style changed to leaving holes in place so all could see - I never have cared for that!

  5. i love the stitch that makes your little embroidered critters look furry. that quilt is going to be adorable.

  6. When I offer to mend my son's pants, he looks at me like I'm crazy - "Mom - it's cool to have rips"..... But I do have a pair of my own jeans set to mend today! It's not a lost art - but certainly on it's way out..... so sad!

  7. I'm not sure about anyone else, but we patch around here. Correction, I patch, but everyone wears them. Clothes cost too much to let a small rip ruin them.
    I love the embroidery you are doing. I have some of the same patterns in my stash from my Great Grandmas's sewing basket and my Grandma's sewing room. I remember the summer my Grandma taught me to embroidery. Wonderful memories.

  8. That is such an adorable embroidery, I love the whole series you have been doing! Your stitches are really neat and precise too! Your grandchildren will love it ♥

  9. So cute! I patched school and play clothes when they were little, now just the odd repair!

  10. you do such super work, I love these
